postdoc positions at the University of Rochester

Richard Aslin aslin at
Sun Jan 9 15:00:28 EST 2000

The University of Rochester seeks five or more outstanding 
postdoctoral fellows with research interests in several areas of the 
Cognitive Sciences, including language, learning, and development. 
Three grants from NIH and NSF provide support.  

(1) An NIH training grant is affiliated with the Center for the
Sciences of Language.  The Center brings together faculty and students
with interests in spoken and signed languages from the Departments of
Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, Linguistics, and
Philosophy, as well as the interdepartmental program in Neuroscience.
We encourage applicants from any of these disciplines who have
expertise in any area of natural language.  We are particularly
interested in postdoctoral fellows who want to contribute to an
interdisciplinary community.

(2) A second NIH training grant spans the disciplines of Learning,
Development, and Behavior.  Applicants should have expertise in human
or animal research on learning and developmental plasticity or in
computational modeling.  Contributing faculty are in the Departments
of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Computer Science, and the
interdepartmental program in Neuroscience.

(3) An NSF research grant on Learning and Intelligent Systems is
directed to questions of rapid statistical learning in a variety of
domains.  Applicants should have expertise in behavioral,
computational, or neurobiological approaches to statistical learning
in humans or animals.  Contributing faculty are in the Departments of
Brain and Cognitive Sciences at Rochester and the Department of
Psychology at Harvard.

The NIH fellowships are open only to US citizens or 
permanent residents.  Applicants should send a letter describing 
their graduate training and research interests, a curriculum vitae, 
and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to: 
Professor Richard N. Aslin, Department of Brain and Cognitive 
Sciences, Meliora Hall, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 

Review of applications will begin on February 15, 2000 and continue
until all of the positions are filled, with expected start dates
ranging from June 30 to September 1, 2000.

Learn more about the relevant departments, faculty, and training
opportunities by visiting the University of Rochester web site at

Richard N. Aslin
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Meliora Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627
email: aslin at
phone: (716) 275-8687
FAX: (716) 442-9216

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