Faculty Position in Machine Learning

Michael Arbib arbib at pollux.usc.edu
Fri Jan 7 19:01:06 EST 2000

The University of Southern California (USC) Department of Computer Science
(http://www.usc.edu/dept/cs/) invites applications for tenure-track positions
from outstanding candidates in Machine Learning. Exceptional candidates in
other areas of Artificial Intelligence (and Computer Science) may also be
considered. We are particularly seeking candidates with strong collaborative

USC's Intelligent Systems Group comprises faculty both on the main
campus and at USC's Information Sciences Institute (ISI). It ranks
fourth overall in terms of AAAI Fellows and includes the current Chair
of SIGART along with two former chairs. Research topics include
collaborative agents, computational neuroscience, educational
technology, knowledge acquisition, knowledge representation, learning,
natural language processing, neural networks, ontologies, planning,
robotics, virtual humans, and vision.  The computer science community
at USC is similarly large and diverse, with emphases in addition to
intelligent systems in such areas as algorithms and cryptography,
computer architecture, databases and information management, genomics
& DNA computing, graphics and multi-media, networking,
neuroinformatics, and software engineering. The broader computer
science community includes not only the Computer Science Department,
the Computer Engineering Program and ISI but also the Integrated Media
Systems Center (IMSC), an NSF Engineering Research Center focusing on
computer interfaces, information management and media communications;
and the newly created Institute for Creative Technologies that brings
together expertise from USC's Schools of Engineering,
Cinema-Television, and Communications (Annenberg) plus the
entertainment industry, to develop the art and technology for
compellingly realistic virtual experiences.

If interested, please send a comprehensive resume, a list of
references, and a statement of goals to: Paulina Tagle, Computer
Science, USC SAL 300, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781
(paulina at pollux.usc.edu). USC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.

Distributed Multimedia Information Management and Databases Committee:
Databases and Information Management: McLeod (Chair), Boehm [?],

Long Ad: The University of Southern California (USC) Department of
Computer Science (http://www.usc.edu/dept/cs/) invites applications
for tenure-track positions from outstanding candidates in Distributed
Multimedia Information Management and Databases. This position will be
in conjunction with the USC Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC), an
NSF ERC in the area of Integrated Media Systems. The applicant will be
expected to take a major leadership role in IMSC Research and
collaboratory projects.
The computer science community at USC is large and diverse, with
emphases in such areas as algorithms and cryptography, collaborative
agents, computational neuroscience, computer architecture, databases
and information management, educational technology, genomics & DNA
computing, graphics and multi-media, knowledge acquisition, knowledge
representation, learning, natural language processing, networking,
neural networks, neuroinformatics, ontologies, planning, robotics,
software engineering, virtual humans, and vision. The broader computer
science community includes not only the Computer Science Department,
the Computer Engineering Program and IMSC, but also the Information
Sciences Institute and the newly created Institute for Creative
Technologies that brings together expertise from USC's Schools of
Engineering, Cinema-Television, and Communications (Annenberg) plus
the entertainment industry, to develop the art and technology for
compellingly realistic virtual experiences.

If interested, please send a comprehensive resume, a list of
references, and a statement of goals to: Paulina Tagle, Computer
Science, USC SAL 300, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781
(paulina at pollux.usc.edu). USC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer and encourages applications from women and minorities.

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