Neural Networks 13(1)

Mieko Namba mieko at
Mon Jan 3 21:05:12 EST 2000

                    NEURAL NETWORKS 13(1)
            Contents - Volume 13, Number 1 - 2000


Our millennium issue!
S. Grossberg, M. Kawato, J.G. Taylor


A learning rule for dynamic recruitment and decorrelation
K.P. Kording, P. Konig


A proposed name for aperiodic brain activity: stochastic chaos
W.J. Freeman

Neural networks are useful tools for drug design
G. Schneider

How good are support vector machines?
S. Raudys


*** Psychology and Cognitive Science ***

Anxiety-like behavior in rats: a computational model
C. Salum, S. Morato, A. Roque-Da-Silva

*** Neuroscience and Neuropsychology ***

Self-organization of orientation maps in a formal neuron model
using a cluster learning rule
J. Kuroiwa, S. Inawashiro, S. Miyake, H. Aso

*** Mathematical and Computational Analysis ***

A cascade associative memory model with a hierarchical memory
M. Hirahara, N. Oka, T. Kindo

Cascade associative memory storing hierarchically correlated
patterns with various correlations
M. Hirahara, O. Oka, T. Kindo

On impulsuve autoassociative neural networks
Z.-H. Guan, J. Lam, G. Chen

Pattern segmentation in a binary/analog world: unsupervised
learning versus memory storing
C. Lourenco, A. Babloyantz, M. Hougardy

Partially pre-calculated weights for the backpropagation learning
regime and high accuracy function mapping using continuous input
RAM-based sigma-pi Nets
R.S. Neville, T.J. Stonham, R.J. Glover

*** Engineering and Design ***

Neural net based MRAC for a class of nonlinear plants
M.S. Ahmed

*** Technology and Applications  ***

Training neural networks to be insensitive to weight random
S. Orcioni


Reinforcement learning: an introduction
R.P.N. Rao


Electronic access:

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of contents, etc. Those who are at institutions which subscribe to
Neural Networks get access to full article text as part of the
institutional subscription.

Sample copies can be requested for free and back issues can be ordered
through the Elsevier customer support offices:
nlinfo-f at
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