CFP,Special Issue,Neurocomputing Journal, "Evolutionary Neural Systems"
Hugo de Garis
degaris at
Tue Aug 8 08:19:55 EDT 2000
> NEUROCOMPUTING Journal (Elsevier)
> Special Issue
> "Evolutionary Neural Systems"
> Guest Editor
> Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis (Starlab, Belgium)
> Editorial Committee
> Dr. David Fogel (Natural Selection Inc., USA)
> Prof. Dr. Michael Conrad (Wayne State University, USA)
> Prof. Dr. Xin Yao (Birmingham University, UK)
> Submission deadline: October 1st, 2000
> Evolutionary Neural Systems - The application of evolutionary
> algorithms to the creation of neural network based systems, in
> software and/or hardware.
> The Neurocomputing Journal (
> invites original contributions for a forthcoming special issue on
> "Evolutionary Neural Systems".
> Examples of topics relevant to this special issue include :
> -- Evolved Neural Software Systems
> -- Evolved Neural Hardware Systems
> -- Discussion/Analysis of Neural System Evolvability
> -- Scaling Issues of Evolved Multicomponent Neural Systems
> -- Evolved Artificial Nervous Systems/Artificial Brains
> -- Large Scale, Real World, Applications of Evolved Neural
> Systems
> -- Novel Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Neural Systems
> -- Related Issues
> Manuscripts (in English) should not normally exceed 10,000 words
> in length and should be formatted and submitted according to the
> requirements found at the journal web site (above).
> Please provide a cover page containing
> (i) the title of the paper,
> (ii) family names with initial(s) of the personal name(s),
> (iii) address and email of each author, and
> (iv) an abstract.
> Three to five keywords should be supplied after the abstract for
> indexing purposes. Figures should be cited in the text and marked in
> the left margin of the manuscript. Four hard copies of the manuscript
> should be submitted to:
> Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis
> Starlab, Blvd. St. Michel 47, B-1040,
> Brussels, Belgium, Europe.
> E-mails:
> degaris at
> dfogel at
> conrad at
> x.yao at
> This special issue will consist of a mix of invited papers and openly
> solicited papers.
> ===================
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