New Website on Kernel Machines
Alex Smola
Alex.Smola at
Wed Apr 26 23:25:57 EDT 2000
We are pleased to announce a new website on Kernel Machines and
related methods. It can be found at
It is a superset of the Support Vector website at GMD FIRST. Most
links to will still be operational and should
result in the near future (as soon as the chanes are made to the site
in Berlin) in a redirect of your browser to the new site. However, we
would like to ask you to update any existing links.
Compared to the old site, the main difference is that we have enlarged
the scope to form a repository not only for research on SVMs, but also
Gaussian Process prediction, Mathematical Programming with Kernels,
Regularization Networks, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, and
related methods. The aim is to serve as a central information source
by providing links to papers, upcoming events, datasets, code, a
discussion board, etc.
On the technical side, novelties include the fact that data entry is
now fully automatic, papers can be uploaded to the website, there
exists a search option for papers, and data can also be provided in
BibTeX format which should make it easier referencing to papers
available at the site.
We would like to express thanks to GMD FIRST for allowing us to host
the webpage in the past three years in Berlin. Links to research at
the Berlin group on Intelligent Data Analysis can now be found at
The changes were needed since the boundaries between Support Vectors
and other methods have become less well defined and we feel that there
is scientific benefit in bringing the various research areas
together. Moreover Alex Smola and Bernhard Scholkopf have moved to the
Australian National University (Canberra), and Microsoft Research
(Cambridge), respectively. The server for
is located at the Australian National University. We thank ANU for the
The organizational structure is novel. From the beginning, we have
strived to create a forum which would provide a balanced
representation of the emerging field of SVM and kernel methods
research. It is our hope that this forum has contributed its share to
the exciting developments that all of us have witnessed over the last
years. Now that the field has become more mature, we felt that it was
time to support the website with an editorial board. This change also
reflects the increasing importance of dissemination of research via
the world wide web. If web sites gradually take over part of what
journals were responsible for in the past, then they should also
adhere to comparable levels of scholarly standards. We believe that
the changes will ensure that the website will continue to be a useful
resource for researchers.
The editorial board comprises
Nello Cristianini, Royal Holloway College, University of London
Bernhard Scholkopf, Microsoft Research, Cambridge (UK)
John Shawe-Taylor, Royal Holloway College, University of London
Alex Smola, Australian National University, Canberra
Vladimir Vapnik, AT&T, New Jersey
Bob Williamson, Australian National University, Canberra.
/ Alexander J. Smola / /
/ Australian National University / Alex.Smola at /
/ Dept. of Engineering and RSISE / Tel: (+61) 410 457 686 /
/ Canberra, ACT 0200 / Fax: (+61) 2 6249 0506 /
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