postdoc position in computational neuroscience

Alain Destexhe alain at
Tue Nov 2 14:57:40 EST 1999

A postdoc position is available for a computational study of neocortical 
pyramidal neurons in vivo.  This projet will be conducted in collaboration 
between three laboratories, A. Destexhe (Laval University, Canada) for the 
computational part, D. Pare (Laval University) and Y. Fregnac (CNRS, 
Gif-sur-Yvette, France) for the experimental part.  The candidate will have 
access to intracellular data from neocortical neurons in vivo, obtained
in the two aforementioned labs.  The project is primarily modeling, but a
participation to experiments is possible (to be discussed as a function of 
the interests of the candidate).  The project will consist in reconstructing
the morphology of intracellularly-recorded neurons using a Neuroclucida 
system (available at Laval University).  The cellular morphologies will be 
incorporated in the NEURON simulator, to design biophysical models that 
will be matched precisely to the intracellular recordings.  Because models 
and experimental data correspond to the same cellular morphologies, this 
method will allow us to characterize various aspects of synaptic activity
in vivo, and estimate its consequences on dendritic integration.  
The candidate should have experience in computational modeling and a
sufficient knowledge of electrophysiology.
The salary will be paid by a grant from NIH, and is available right now 
for a period of 3 years.
Candidates should contact Alain Destexhe for more details
  Alain Destexhe
  Department of Physiology
  Laval University
  Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada
  Tel: (418) 656 5711
  Fax: (418) 656 7898
  email: alain at

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