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Tue Mar 16 05:12:12 EST 1999

6th International Summer School
Cognitive Science
Sofia, New Bulgarian University
July 12 - 31, 1999

International Advisory Board

Elizabeth BATES (University of California at San Diego, USA)
Amedeo CAPPELLI (CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Cristiano CASTELFRANCHI (CNR, Roma, Italy)
Daniel DENNETT (Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA)
Ennio De RENZI (University of Modena, Italy)
Charles DE WEERT (University of Nijmegen, Holland )
Christian FREKSA (Hamburg University, Germany)
Dedre GENTNER (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA)
Christopher HABEL (Hamburg University, Germany)
William HIRST (New School for Social Sciences, NY, USA)
Joachim HOHNSBEIN (Dortmund University, Germany)
Douglas HOFSTADTER (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
Keith HOLYOAK (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)
Mark KEANE (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Alan LESGOLD (University of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
Willem LEVELT (Max-Plank Institute of Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, Holland)
David RUMELHART (Stanford University, California, USA)
Richard SHIFFRIN (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA)
Paul SMOLENSKY (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)
Chris THORNTON (University of Sussex, Brighton, England)
Carlo UMILTA' (University of Padova, Italy)
Eran ZAIDEL (University of California at Los Angeles, USA)


Each participant will enroll in 6 of the 10 courses offered thus attending
4 hours classes per day plus 2 hours tutorials in small groups plus
individual studies and participation in symposia.

Brain and Language: New Approaches to Evolution and Developmet (Elizabeth
Bates, Univ. of California at San Diego, USA)
Child Language Acquisition (Michael Tomasello, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany)
Culture and Cognition (Roy D'Andrade, Univ. of California at San Diego, USA)
Understanding Social Dependence and Cooperation (Cristiano Castelfranchi, CNR, Italy)
Models of Human Memory (Richard Shiffrin, Indiana University, USA)
Categorization and Inductive Reasoning: Psychological and Computational
Approaches (Evan Heit, Univ. of Warwick, UK)
Understanding Human Thinking (Boicho Kokinov, New Bulgarian University)
Perception-Based Spatial Reasoning (Reinhard Moratz, Hamburg University, Germany)
Perception (Naum Yakimoff, New Bulgarian University)
Applying Cognitive Science to Instruction (John Hayes, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA)

In addition there will be seminars, working groups, project work, discussions.


Participants will be selected by a Selection Committee on the bases of
their submitted documents:

* application form,
* CV,
* statement of purpose,
* copy of diploma; if student - academic transcript
* letter of recommendation,
* list of publications (if any) and short summary of up to three of them.

For participants from Central and Eastern Europe as well as from the former
Soviet Union there are scholarships available (provided by Soros' Open
Society Institute). They cover tuition, travel, and living expenses.

Deadline for application:  April 15th
Notification of acceptance:  April 30th.

Apply as soon as possible since the number of participants is restricted.

For more information contact:
Summer School in Cognitive Science
Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science
New Bulgarian University
21, Montevideo Str.
Sofia 1635, Bulgaria
Tel. (+3592) 957-1876
Fax: (+3592) 558262
e-mail: school at
Web page:

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