Call for Registration
Cynthia Bradford
cindy at
Mon Mar 15 16:03:56 EST 1999
Tutorials: May 26, 1999
Meeting: May 27-29, 1999
Boston University
677 Beacon Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Sponsored by Boston University's
Center for Adaptive Systems
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
with financial support from DARPA and ONR
How Does the Brain Control Behavior?
How Can Technology Emulate Biological Intelligence?
The conference will include invited tutorials and lectures, and
contributed lectures and posters by experts on the biology and
technology of how the brain and other intelligent systems adapt
to a changing world. The conference is aimed at researchers and
students of computational neuroscience, connectionist cognitive
science, artificial neural networks, neuromorphic engineering,
and artificial intelligence.
A single oral or poster session enables all presented work to be
highly visible.
Costs are kept at a minimum without compromising the quality of
meeting handouts and social events.
registration form).
Third International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems
Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems
Boston University
677 Beacon Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Tutorials: May 26, 1999
Meeting: May 27-29, 1999
FAX: (617) 353-7755
(Please Type or Print)
Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof: _____________________________________________________
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Affiliation: _______________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________
City, State, Postal Code: __________________________________________
Phone and Fax: _____________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________
The conference registration fee includes the meeting program,
reception, two coffee breaks each day, and meeting proceedings.
The tutorial registration fee includes tutorial notes and two
coffee breaks.
( ) $70 Conference plus Tutorial (Regular)
( ) $45 Conference plus Tutorial (Student)
( ) $45 Conference Only (Regular)
( ) $30 Conference Only (Student)
( ) $25 Tutorial Only (Regular)
( ) $15 Tutorial Only (Student)
METHOD OF PAYMENT (please fax or mail):
[ ] Enclosed is a check made payable to "Boston University".
Checks must be made payable in US dollars and issued by
a US correspondent bank. Each registrant is responsible
for any and all bank charges.
[ ] I wish to pay my fees by credit card
(MasterCard, Visa, or Discover Card only).
Name as it appears on the card: _____________________________________
Type of card: _______________________________________________________
Account number: _____________________________________________________
Expiration date: ____________________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________________________
Wednesday, May 26, 1999 (Tutorials)
8:30am--10:00am Stephen Grossberg:
"Development, learning, attention, and grouping
by the laminar circuits of visual cortex"
10:00am--10:30am COFFEE BREAK
10:30am--12:00pm Daniel Schacter:
"True memories, false memories:
A cognitive neuroscience perspective"
12:00pm---1:30pm LUNCH
1:30pm---3:00pm Gail Carpenter:
"Adaptive resonance theory and practice"
3:00pm---3:30pm COFFEE BREAK
3:30pm---5:00pm Tomaso Poggio:
"Supervised learning: Regularization and
support vector machines"
Thursday, May 27, 1999 (Invited Talks, Contributed Talks, and Posters)
Session Chairs: Stephen Grossberg (AM) and Daniel Bullock (PM)
7:55am---8:00am Stephen Grossberg:
"Welcome and Introduction"
8:00am---8:45am Joseph LeDoux:
"Learning about danger: Systems and synapses"
8:45am---9:30am Joaquin Fuster:
"The frontal lobe in temporal aspects of cognition"
9:30am--10:15am John Lisman:
"The role of theta-gamma oscillations in memory processes"
10:45am--11:30am Michael Hasselmo:
"Neuromodulation and cortical memory function:
Physiology and computational modeling"
11:30am--12:15pm Dario Floreano:
"Evolutionary cybernetics: Exploring the foundations
of adaptive intelligence in biomimetic robots"
12:15pm---1:00pm Paolo Gaudiano:
"Visually guided navigation with autonomous mobile robots"
1:00pm---2:15pm LUNCH
2:15pm---3:15pm PLENARY TALK:
Rodney Brooks:
"Learning through social interaction: Robot implementations"
3:15pm---3:30pm Hans Colonius and Petra Arndt:
"Visual-auditory interaction in saccadic eye movements"
3:30pm---3:45pm John A. Bullinaria, Patricia M. Riddell, and Simon K. Rushton:
"Modelling development and adaptation of oculomotor control"
3:45pm---4:00pm Antonio Guerrero, Juan Lopez, and Jorge Feliu:
"Sensory-motor control architecture based on biological
models for a stereohead"
4:00pm---4:15pm Magnus Snorrason and Jeff Norris:
"Vision based path planning for Martian terrain"
4:15pm---4:30pm Philipp Althaus and Paul F.M.J. Verschure:
"Distributed adaptive control 5: Bayesian theory of
decision making, implemented on simulated and real robots"
4:30pm---4:45pm Mark A. Kon and Leszek Plaskota:
"Information complexity of neural networks"
4:45pm---5:00pm C.H. Chen and Baoming Hong:
"A high efficient face recognition technique based on
multi-level feature representations and neural nets"
5:00pm---5:30pm COFFEE BREAK
5:00pm---8:00pm POSTER SESSION I (see below for details)
Friday, May 28, 1999 (Invited and Contributed Talks)
Session Chairs: Gail Carpenter (AM) and Frank Guenther (PM)
8:00am---8:45am Shihab Shamma:
"Encoding of timbre in the auditory system"
8:45am---9:30am Nobuo Suga:
"Adjustment and improvement of auditory signal
processing by the corticofugal feedback system"
9:30am--10:15am Stephen Grossberg:
"Neural models of auditory and speech perception"
10:15am--10:45am COFFEE BREAK
10:45am--11:30am Steven Greenberg:
"From sound to meaning: A syllable-centric perspective
on spoken language"
11:30am--12:15pm Larry Gillick:
"The state of large vocabulary continuous speech recognition"
12:15pm---1:00pm Andreas Andreou:
"Neuromorphic VLSI microsystems for speech and
vision processing"
1:00pm---2:15pm LUNCH
2:15pm---2:30pm James R. Williamson:
"A hierarchical network for learning vernier discrimination"
2:30pm---2:45pm Scott Oddo:
"ARTMAP: Automated interpretation of Lyme IgG
Western Blots"
2:45pm---3:00pm Artur Dubrawski and Dorota Daniecka:
"Attribute selection for neural training of a breast
cancer diagnosis system"
3:00pm---3:15pm P. Niyogi, M.M. Sondhi, and C. Burges:
"A computational framework for distinctive feature
based speech recognition"
3:15pm---3:30pm Fatima T. Husain and Michiro Negishi:
"Model of English vowel classification by Spanish speakers"
3:30pm---3:45pm Nancy Chang:
"Learning form-meaning mappings for language understanding"
3:45pm---4:00pm L.M. Romanski and P.S. Goldman-Rakic:
"An acoustically responsive domain in the prefrontal
cortex of the awake behaving Macaque monkey"
4:00pm---4:30pm COFFEE BREAK
4:30pm---4:45pm R.M. Borisyuk, M.J. Denham, and F.C. Hoppensteadt:
"An oscillatory model of novelty detection in the
4:45pm---5:00pm M.J. Denham and R.M. Borisyuk:
"An oscillatory model of the septal-hippocampal
inhibitory circuit and the modulation of hippocampal
theta activity"
5:00pm---5:15pm Simona Doboli, Ali A. Minai, and Phillip J. Best:
"Context-dependent place representations in the
5:15pm---5:30pm Jeffrey Krichmar, Theoden Netoff, and James Olds:
"Place cells emerge in a network of simulated CA3
pyramidal cells that receive robotic sensor input"
5:30pm---5:45pm Oury Monchi and Michael Petrides:
"Investigating various working memory components with a
computational model of basal ganglia-thalamocortical loops"
5:45pm---6:00pm Frank van der Velde and Marc de Kamps:
"Locating a familiar object using feedback modulation"
6:00pm---8:00pm MEETING RECEPTION
Saturday, May 29, 1999 (Invited Talks, Contributed Talks, and Posters)
Session Chairs: Eric Schwartz (AM) and Ennio Mingolla (PM)
8:00am---8:45am Charles Gilbert:
"Adult cortical dynamics"
8:45am---9:30am David van Essen:
"Mapping and modeling of cortical structure and function"
9:30am--10:15am Randolph Blake:
"What can be perceived in the absence of visual awareness?"
10:45am--11:30am Steven Zucker:
"Complexity, confusion, and computational vision"
11:30am--12:15pm Ennio Mingolla:
"Cortical computation for attentive visual navigation:
Heading, time-to-contact, and pursuit movements"
12:15pm---1:00pm Richard Shiffrin:
"A model for implicit and explicit memory"
1:00pm---2:15pm LUNCH
2:15pm---3:15pm PLENARY TALK:
Shinsuke Shimojo:
"Visual surface filling-in assessed by psychophysics
and TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation)"
3:15pm---3:30pm S.R. Lehky, T.J. Sejnowski, and R. Desimone:
"Sparseness of coding in monkey striate complex cells:
Data and modeling"
3:30pm---3:45pm R.D.S. Raizada and S. Grossberg:
"How do preattentive grouping and attentive modulation
select object representations in the layers of
visual cortex?"
3:45pm---4:00pm Nikolaus Almassy, Gerald M. Edelman, and Olaf Sporns:
"Function of long-range intracortical connections in
a model of the visual cortex embedded in a behaving
real-world device"
4:00pm---4:15pm Thorsten Hansen, Karl O. Riedel, Luiz Pessoa, and
Heiko Neumann:
"Regularization and 2D brightness filling-in:
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations"
4:15pm---4:30pm Daniel A. Pollen, Andrzej W. Przybyszewski, Warren
Foote, and Mark A. Rubin:
"Neurons in Macaque V4 respond strongly to stimulus
4:30pm---4:45pm DeLiang L. Wang:
"Object-based selection by a neural oscillator network"
4:45pm---5:00pm Nilendu Gautambhai Jani and Daniel S. Levine:
"A neural network theory of proportional analogy-making"
5:00pm---5:30pm COFFEE BREAK
5:00pm---8:00pm POSTER SESSION II (see below for details)
POSTER SESSION I: Thursday, May 27, 1999
All posters will be displayed for the full day.
Cognition, Learning, Recognition (B):
Brigitte Nevers and Remy Versace:
"Contributions of studies about the frequency effects in the
processes of activation and integration of memory traces"
Gary C.-W. Shyi and Chang-Ming Lin:
"Computing representations for object recognition in visual
search: An eye-movement analysis"
Emmet Spier:
"Cognition not needed: An associative model for the outcome
devaluation effect"
William Power, Ray Frank, Neil Davey, and John Done:
"A modular attractor model of semantic access"
Sylvain Hanneton, Olivier Gapenne, Christelle Genouel, Charles Lenay,
and Catherine Marque:
"Dynamics of shape recognition through a minimal visuo-tactile
sensory substitution interface"
Cristiane Salum, Antonio Roque da Silva, and Alan Pickering:
"Possible role of dopamine in learning and attention:
A computational approach"
C.-S.R. Li, Y.-Y. Yang, and H.-C. Chen:
"Sensory and spatial components of tactile extinction and
allesthesia in cortical and thalamic lesions"
Robert Homer and Bogdan Sasaran:
"The role of monoamine neurotransmitters in brain development
and mental illness: A neural network model"
G.J. Dalenoort and P.H. de Vries:
"Cognitive control and binding"
Stephen Grossberg and Dmitry V. Repin:
"How does the brain represent numbers?"
Julian Paul Keenan, John Ives, Qun Chen, Gottfried Schlaug,
Thomas Kauffman, David Bartres-Faz, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone:
"Mapping cortical networks via functional magnetic resonance
imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation:
Preliminary results"
Julian Paul Keenan, John Ives, Qun Chen, Gottfried Schlaug,
Thomas Kauffman, David Bartres-Faz, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone:
"Modulating cortical excitability using repetitive transcranial
magnetic stimulation in a self-face study to examine the role
of inhibition in the prefrontal cortex"
Adaptive Resonance Theory (B + T):
Norbert Kopco, Peter Sincak, and Rudolf Jaksa:
"Methods for analysis and enhancement of neural network
classification of remotely sensed images"
Gail A. Carpenter and Matthew W. Giamporcaro:
"A computer game testbed for modeling strategic decision making"
Gail A. Carpenter, Sucharita Gopal, Scott Macomber, Byron Shock,
and Curtis E. Woodcock:
"ARTMAP neural network classification of land use change"
Marc-Andre Cantin, Eric Granger, and Yvon Savaria:
"Four implementations of the fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory
(ART) neural network for high data throughput applications"
Luis Marti, Luciano Garcia, and Miguel Catasus:
"Continuous-valued function approximation by an ART-based
neural network"
Mark A. Rubin and Aijaz Baloch:
"Demonstration of an ARTEX implementation for recognition
of visual textures"
Quanhong Wang:
"Tests of two theoretical explanations for the perceptual
interference effect: Adaptive Resonance Theory versus
competitive activation models"
Neural and Hybrid Systems (B + T):
Hiroki Aoki and Toshimichi Saito:
"A SOM with virtual connection and its application to guess
of membership functions"
Hiroyuki Torikai and Toshimichi Saito:
"Basic functions from an integrate-and-fire circuit with
plural inputs"
Brian M. O'Rourke:
"Tactics for time series modeling with neural networks and
fuzzy clustering"
Mark Plutowski:
"Emotional processing: A framework for handling multiple
motivations in autonomous software agents"
David V. Reynolds:
"Computer simulation of large-scale neural systems of pain
and aggression based on fuzzy logic"
Rajat K. De:
"Artificial consciousness: Integration of knowledge-based and
case-based approach in a neuro-fuzzy paradigm"
G.E. Campbell, W.L. Buff, and D.W. Dorsey:
"Decision making in a tactical setting: Crisp or fuzzy reasoning?"
Raj P. Malhotra and Yan M. Yufik:
"Virtual associative networks for complexity reduction in
information fusion"
Audition, Speech, and Language (B + T):
M.G. Srikanthan and R.J. Glover:
"Wavelet neural network based echolocation"
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham, Norbert Kopco, and Scott Santarelli:
"Computation of acoustic source position in near-field listening"
Lewis Meier:
"Application of computerized auditory scene analysis to
underwater acoustic signals"
Ivelin Stoianov:
"Recurrent autoassociative networks and sequential processing"
Susan L. Denham:
"Synaptic depression may explain many of the temporal response
properties observed in primary auditory cortex:
A computational investigation"
Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Arthur C. Graesser, and Peter Wiemer-Hastings:
"Exploring effective linguistic context with feedforward
neural networks"
Sorin Draghici and Thierry de Pauw:
"On the computational power of limited precision weights neural
networks in classification problems: How to calculate the
weight range so that a solution will exist"
Catherine Breslin:
"Neuromorphic design by physical equivalence: Simple animal
and neuron models"
Luca Marchese:
"Neuromorphic VLSI servers"
Todd Hinck, Howard Cohen, Gert Cauwenberghs, Allyn Hubbard,
and Andreas Andreou:
"Neuromorphic VLSI systems for boundary contour integration:
An interactive demonstration"
Gu Lin and Bingxue Shi:
"A programmable and expandable Hamming network integrated circuit"
Neural System Models (B + T):
Shinji Karasawa:
"Impulse recurrent loops for short-term memory which merges
with experience and long-term memory"
F.E. Lauria, R. Prevete, M. Milo, and S. Visco:
"The Java package"
Dorian Aur and Teodora Ghioca:
"Neural network formation for cooperative bifurcation neurons"
Lumei Hui:
"Comparison between the two-dot method and the transparency
method for the autostereogram perception"
Lydia N. Derkach:
"Cognitive neuropsychology: A synthesis of western and
eastern research"
J. Marro and J.J. Torres:
"Neural networks with coherent fluctuations of synapses"
Nils Hulth:
"Feature vector representations and individual scaling of
prototype vectors"
POSTER SESSION II: Saturday, May 29, 1999
All posters will be displayed for the full day.
Vision (B):
Drazen Domijan:
"Boundary computation, presynaptic inhibition, and
lightness perception"
Harald Ruda and Magnus Snorrason:
"Modeling time to detection for observers searching for
targets in cluttered backgrounds"
Li-Yun Fu:
"A neuron filtering model for space- and time-varying
signal processing"
Sachin Ahuja and Bart Farell:
"Points, lines, and surfaces"
J.M. Harris and S.K. Rushton:
"An eccentric hemisphere explanation of visual search
for motion in depth?"
Vinoth Jagaroo:
"A neuropsychological perspective of spatial reference frames:
Implications for the modeling of high-level vision"
Jens Mansson:
"Contour enhancement by local iso-orientation-cooperation and
texture suppression"
Thorsten Hansen and Heiko Neumann:
"Contrast processing and contour enhancement: A model of
recurrent long-range interactions in V1"
Wolfgang Sepp and Heiko Neumann:
"A hierarchical filling-in model for real-time brightness
Lynette Linden:
"Understanding image colors in phase space"
Raymond K. Chafin and Cihan H. Dagli:
"Biologically inspired connectionist models for image feature
extraction in machine vision systems"
Mark Wexler, Francesco Panerai, and Jacques Droulez:
"Looking actively at Ames's window"
Lavanya Viswanathan, Stephen Grossberg, and Ennio Mingolla:
"Neural dynamics of motion grouping across apertures"
Sensory-Motor Control (B):
Brad Rhodes and Daniel Bullock:
"A neural model for sequence learning and production"
Sally Bogacz and Willard Larkin:
"Motor control in fast musical passages"
Thomas J. Anastasio, Paul E. Patton, and Kamel Belkacem-Boussaid:
"Modeling multisensory enhancement in the superior colliculus
using Bayes' rule"
J.E. Vos and J.J. van Heijst:
"A model of sensorimotor development using a neural network"
Greg T. Gdowski and Robert A. McCrea:
"Sensory signals carried by vestibulo-spinal and other
non-eye-movement related vestibular neurons during voluntary
head movements"
Greg T. Gdowski and Robert A. McCrea:
"Sensory signals carried by the vestibular nuclei during
reflexive head movements evoked by whole body rotation"
Jan G. Smits:
"Dependence of time constant for stroke recovery of
complexity of tasks"
M. Chen, C.-S.R. Li, Y.-Y. Yang, C.-Y. Liu, H.-L. Chang,
C. Shen, Y.-M. Chuang, and L.-Y. Kao:
"Perceptual alternation in obsessive compulsive disorder:
Implications for the functions of the frontostriatal circuitry"
Sensory-Motor Control (T) and Robotics (T):
John R. Alexander Jr.:
"Timing problems of neural control circuits"
F. Panerai, G. Metta, and G. Sandini:
"An artificial vestibular system for reflex-control of robot
eye movements"
Michail G. Lagoudakis and Anthony S. Maida:
"A polar neural map for mobile robot navigation"
G. Baratoff, C. Toepfer, and H. Neumann:
"Combining space-variant maps for flow-based obstacle detection
and body-scaled free-space navigation"
Angelo Arleo and Wulfram Gerstner:
"Spatial models and autonomous navigation in neuro-mimetic systems"
Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini, Riccardo Manzotti, and Francesco Panerai:
"Learning eye-head-hand coordination: A developmental approach"
S. Srinivasan and A. Bradley:
"Sequential task execution in a prosthetic limb using an
artificial neural network"
Neural and Hybrid Systems (B + T):
Raymond Pavlovski and Majid Karimi:
"Control of basins of attraction in a self-trapping neural
network with near-neighbor synapses"
Anatoli Gorchetchnikov:
"The level of suppression in feedback connections required for
learning depends primarily on intracellular parameters"
David Vogel:
"A partial model of cortical memory"
Chun-Kam Horng and Chin-Ming Hong:
"Learning efficiency improvement of CMAC neural network by
Gaussian basis function"
Ana Madevska and Dragan Nikolic:
"Automatic classification with support vector machines in
molecular biology"
Alex Heneveld:
"A plausible neural network architecture: Temporal Hebbian
M. Mar Abad Grau and Luis Daniel Hernandez Molinero:
"Context-specific neural network feature selector with
missing data"
Per Jesper Sjostrom and Lars Ulrik Wahlberg:
"Automated cell recognition and counting based on a
combination of artificial neural networks and standard
image analysis methods"
Rafal Bogacz and Marcin Chady:
"Local connections in a neural network improve pattern completion"
Andrea Corradini:
"Automatic posture recognition in color images using
hybrid neural networks"
Neural System Models (B + T):
Wei Cao, SongNian Yu, and William Gregory:
"New approach for measuring complexity of linear-inseparable
multidimensional data patterns"
Zhe Chen:
"The application of wavelet neural network for time series
prediction and system modeling based on multiresolution learning"
Maria Alvarez Florendo and Anthony Roland Florendo:
"Solutions to the binary addition, parity and symmetry problems
using feedforward networks with inhibitory lateral connections"
J.R.C. Piqueira, F.M. Formagin, L.H.A. Monteiro, and J.S. Del Nero:
"Full connected phase locked loops as a model for synchronizing
neuron sets"
Steven Lehar:
"The Gestalt principle of isomorphism and the perceptual
representation of space"
Gu Lin and Bingxue Shi:
"A programmable and expandable fuzzy recognition integrated circuit"
Boris Galitsky:
"How the logic of mental attributes models the autism"
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