NIPS tutorial notes on the web

Sam T. Roweis Roweis at
Thu Dec 16 08:02:39 EST 1999

                       NIPS'99 Tutorial Notes
           Probabilistic Models for Unsupervised Learning

                         Zoubin Ghahramani
                            Sam Roweis

We are making the slides from our recent tutorial available for download
on the web. These slides correspond to the ones handed out in the 
NIPS tutorial booklet and also to those we used during the presentation.
Feel free to distribute them as a package, but please let us know if you
plan to include parts them in other documents.

Enjoy the holidays,

Sam & Zoubin

Sam Roweis                       Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL
44 20 7 679 1188 voice                             17 Queen Square, Room 503
44 20 7 679 1173 fax                                    WC1N 3AR, London, UK
roweis at       

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