Paper on topological semantics

Michael J. Healy 425-865-3123 michael.j.healy at
Mon Apr 12 11:08:37 EDT 1999

This is now out in the latest issue of Connection Science.  I have a 
supply of reprints and will be glad to send one to anyone who is 

M. J. Healy (1999)
"A Topological Semantics for Rule Extraction with Neural Networks", 
Connection Science, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 91-113.

This is the paper I referred to in the Connectionists on-line discussion 
on connectionist symbol processing and in the follow-up issue of Neural 
Computing Surveys.  It introduces a mathematical approach to analyzing 
the semantics of neural networks and their applications.  It surveys the 
point-set-topology version of the approach; a more involved category-
theoretic version is intended for a later paper.  

The main example given in this paper concerns the adequacy of a specific 
neural network architecture for rule extraction.  Items discussed in 
addition to the mathematical background include issues in learning from 
data, specialization hierarchies, the concept of a prototype data object, 
continuous functions and rule-based systems, formal verification, and 
how the topological approach might be applied to neural network analysis 
and design.


Michael J. Healy                          A
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