Book on "Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data Structures"

Lee Giles giles at
Fri Jul 17 15:36:03 EDT 1998

The following edited book might be of interest.

   "Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data Structures"

               (eds.) C. Lee Giles, Marco Gori

Verlag, 1998.

This is a collection of tutorial papers presented at the International
Summer School on Neural Networks, "E.R. Caianiello", Vietri sul Mare,
Salerno, Italy, September 6-13, 1997.

Ordering information can be had from:

Chapters sections, titles and authors are:

Architectures and Learning in Recurrent Neural Networks

  Recurrent Neural Network Architectures: An Overview
  A.C. Tsoi

  Gradient Based Learning Methods
  A.C. Tsoi

  Diagrammatic Methods for Deriving and Relating Temporal Neural
  Network Algorithms
  E.A. Wan and F. Beaufays

Processing of Data Structures

  An Introduction to Learning Structured Information
  P. Frasconi

  Neural Networks for Processing Data Structures
  A. Sperduti

  The Loading Problem: Topics in Complexity
  M. Gori

Probabilistic Models

  Learning Dynamic Bayesian Networks
  Z. Ghahramani

  Probabilistic Models of Neuronal Spike Trains
  P. Baldi

  Temporal Models in Blind Source Separation
  L.C. Parra

Analog vs Symbolic Computation

  Recursive Neural Networks and Automata
  M. Maggini

  The Neural Network Pushdown Automaton:
  Architecture, Dynamics and Training
  G.Z. Sun, C.L. Giles and H.H. Chen

  Neural Dynamics with Stochasticity
  H. T. Siegelmann


  Parsing the Stream of Time: The Value of Event-Based
  Segmentation in a Complex Real-World Control Problem
  M.C.Mozer and D. Miller

  Hybrid HMM/ANN Systems for Speech Recognition:
  Overview and New Research Directions
  H. Bourlard and N. Morgan

  Predictive Models for Sequence Modelling, Application to
  Speech and Character Recognition
  P. Gallinari

Best regards,

Lee Giles
Marco Gori

C. Lee Giles / Computer Science / NEC Research Institute / 
4 Independence Way / Princeton, NJ 08540, USA / 609-951-2642 / Fax 2482

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