Full Time Lectureship Post, Aston University, UK

Andrew Weaver weaveraj at helios.aston.ac.uk
Thu Jan 15 09:18:06 EST 1998

                        FULL TIME LECTURESHIP
                         ASTON UNIVERSITY, UK

The group currently comprises five full time members of staff (David
Lowe, Manfred Opper, David Saad, Ian Nabney and Chris Williams), 8
Postdoctoral Research Fellows, a Research Programmer, a Research
Coordinator, 11 PhD students and 10 MSc research students.  Current
research contracts total approximately ukp1.5 million.  We are seeking
an additional highly motivated, enthusiastic individual to join our
research team in the general areas of artificial neural networks,
biomedical signal analysis, nonlinear pattern and time series
processing and machine vision.  The individual will also be expected
to contribute to the graduate and undergraduate taught programmes.
Further information on the activities and interests of the group may
be obtained from the website http://www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk/

Terms of appointment will depend on the background and experience of 
particular candidates. The minimum period for which appointments are 
made is normally three years, with the possibility of renewal or 
transfer to continuing appointments. Salary will be in the range 
ukp16,045 to ukp27,985 per annum, and exceptionally ukp31,269 per 
annum (Lecturer Grade A & B), according to qualifications and experience.

The appointment is part of a wider research expansion in the
Electronic Engineering and Computer Science Division at Aston which
includes `intelligent' databases, future internet technology and
telecommunications network modelling. Candidates interested in this
wider area are also encouraged to make further enquiries.

Interested individuals should email a current C.V. including the contact
details of at least three referees to:--

Professor David Lowe  
Head of Computer Science               email: d.lowe at aston.ac.uk
Neural Computing Research Group        www:   http://www.ncrg.aston.ac.uk/
Aston University                       tel:   (+44/0) 121 333 4631
Aston Triangle                         fax:   (+44/0) 121 333 4586
Birmingham B4 7ET UK

Closing Date:- 12th March 1998.

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