Neural Network Workshop June-98

Karina Waldemark kia at
Fri Feb 27 10:22:03 EST 1998

                  Workshop on Virtual Intelligence - Dynamic Neural
                               Stockholm    June 22-26, 1998
                   Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
                     VI-DYNN'98 Web:

     Abstracts due to: March 20, 1998 
     ******  papers up to 20 pages can be accepted  ******* 
     Deliver camera-ready manuscripts at registration 
     Papers will be published by SPIE 
     Papers will be considered for further publication in IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Applications


     Thomas Lindblad (KTH) - Conf. Chairman
     email:  lindblad at         Phone: [+46] - (0)8 - 16
11 09 
     ClarkS. Lindsey (KTH) - Conf. Secretary
     email:  lindsey at          Phone: [+46] - (0)8 - 16
10 74 
     Switchboard: [+46] - (0)8 - 16 10 00    Fax: [+46] - (0)8 - 15 86

Tentative Programme for VI-DYNN'98 Workshop 

PCNN tutorial 

Morning Session chair: Thomas Lindblad 
    1. Introduction 
    2. PCNN Theory 
    3. PCNN Image Processing 
    4. The PCNN Kernel 
    5. Target Recognition 
    6. Dealing with Noise 

Afternoon Session chair: Jason Kinser 
    7. Feedback 
    8. Object Isolation 
    9. Foveation 
    10. Image Fusion 
    11. Hardware Realization 
    12. Miscellaneous Applications and Summary 


Session: Neurodynamics 
Session chair: Hans Liljenstrom 
Keynote Talk:  Hans Liljenstrom, Control and amplification of cortical
    I. Opher (Tel Aviv), Data Clustering via Temporal Segmentation of
Spiking Neurons 

Session: Electronic Nose 
Session chair: Hans Liljenstrom 
    J. Waldemark (KTH) Neural Networks and PCA for determing ROI in
sensory data preprocessing 
    M. L. Padgett (Auburn U.) PCNN factoring and automated outlier
    T. A. Roppel (Auburn U.) Sensory plane analog/VLSI for interfacting
sensor arrays to neural networks 

Session: Models of neural systems 
Session chair: Hans Liljenstrom 
Session: PCNN Applications 
Session chair: J. Kinser 
Keynote Talk:  J. Kinser, 
    Kurt Moore (Los Alamos) , 1-D Peak Fitting using PCNN 
    J. Karvonen (Finnish Inst. Of Marine Research), PCNN for sea-ice
classification from             RADARSAT 
    V.Becanovic (KTH), PCNN for License Plate Identification 
    O.J.Goeboden (Ostfold ), Using PCNN for SONAR Images 
Panel Discussion: 


Session: Signals from the Brain 
Session chair: John Taylor 
Keynote Talk:   JG Taylor (Kings College), Analysing Non-invasive Brain
    E. Oja, ICA Analysis of MEG and EEG Signals 
    A. Villa, Single Cell Measurements from Behaving Animals 
    B. Krause (Juelich), PET and Structural Brain Modelling 
    B. Gulyas (Karolinska Inst.), 
    B. Horwitz (NIH), Structural Modelling of PET Data 
    A. Ioannides (Julich), MEG & the Brain 
Panel Discussion: 

Session: Defense Applications 
Session chair: K. Waldemark 
Keynote Talk:  Natalie Clark,  Micro-Optical Silicon Eye 
Authors: Natalie Clark, John Comtois, Adrian Micalicek, and Paul Furth 
Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB NM 87117 
    I. Renhorn, (Defence Research Establishment), General 
Specifications for ATR 
    J.L. Johnson 
    J. Kinser, Pulse  Couple Spiral Image Fusion 
    Th. Lindblad, Smart sensors inspired by processes in the primate
visual cortex 
Panel Discussion: 


Session: Hardware 
Session chair: Natalie Clark 
Keynote Talk: J. L. Johnson,  Test Results for a 32x32 PCNN Array, J. L.
Johnson, R. F Sims, and T. Branch. 
    J. Johnson (MICOM), PCNN Chip Development 
    J. Waldemark (KTH), PCNN in FPGA 
    unknown (John Hopkins), PCNN Hardware 
    IBM ZISC, Zero instruction set computer, Application for noise
    Trento TOTEM, The Reactive Tabu Search 

Session: PCNN & other Algorithms 
Session chair: J. Waldemark 
    G. Szekely,  Adaptive PCNN 
    J. Kinser 
    M.Kaipainen, Sea Ice Classification using PCNN 
    J. Johnson, PCNN Theory: State of the art 
Panel Discussion: 


Tutorial Session: Virtual Intelligence 
Session chair: Mary Lou Padgett 
Theme:  Virtual Intelligence Track 
AM Opening Remarks 

Keynote Talk: M. L. Padgett,  Overview of Virtual Intelligence 
Motivational material, update on funding, hot topics, why important, how
interacts with PCNN, etc. 
Overview of 
    Neural Networks 
    Fuzzy Systems 
    Evolutionary Computation 
    Rough Sets 
    Virtual Reality 
    Electronic Nose 

Description of topics, and pointers to websites and printed material 
for more detailed info  e.g. Handbook on Applications of Computational
Eds. Padgett, Karayiannis, Zadeh CRC Press 1999 
and Handbook on NeuroControl  Eds. Jorgensen, Werbos and Padgett  CRC
Press 1999 

Session: NNW Applications 
Session chair: Mary Lou Padgett 
    K. Waldemark (KTH), Sleep Apnea 
    R. Curbelo (Univ. of Uraguay), Fingerprint Identification using
Neural Networks 
    D. A. Salo (Ostfold), Neural Networks for Fingerprint identification 
    T. Sanne (Ostfold), Neural Network for Identification Based on the
    J. Hansen (Ostfold), Facial Recognition using Neural Networks 
    A. Sokolov (Protvino), Hadron Energy Reconstruction by Combined
Calorimeter using Neural Network 
    L. Hildingsson,(SKI) Fuel Assembly Assessment from Digital Image

Lunch and Virtual Intelligence Standards Working Group Meeting

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