Error decomposition and model complexity.

Huaiyu Zhu zhuh at
Mon Aug 31 16:01:23 EDT 1998

The following paper has been submitted to Neural Computation: 

		Error Decomposition and Model Complexity

			     Huaiyu Zhu

  Bayesian information geometry provides a general error decomposition
  theorem for arbitrary statistical models and a family of information
  deviations that include Kullback-Leibler information as a special case.
  When applied to Gaussian measures it takes the classical Hilbert space
  (Sobolev space) theories for estimation (regression, filtering,
  approximation, smoothing) as a special case.  When the statistical and
  computational models are properly distinguished, the dilemmas of
  over-fitting and ``curse of dimensionality'' disappears, and the optimal
  model order disregarding computing cost is always infinity.

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Huaiyu Zhu                      Tel: 1 505 984 8800 ext 305       
Santa Fe Institute              Fax: 1 505 982 0565
1399 Hyde Park Road             mailto:zhuh at          
Santa Fe, NM 87501      

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