What have neural networks achieved?
Huaiyu Zhu
zhuh at santafe.edu
Fri Aug 28 17:37:15 EDT 1998
As to the objective of a better understand of the brain, I'd like to draw
your attention to a result about
The Computational Origin of Addiction.
A learning algorithm derived from purely computational considerations was
shown to require a particular mechanism reminiscent to that provided by
the neurotransmitter dopamine, including the possibility of addiction.
I'd be especially interested in hearing responses from people familiar
with neurophysiology and the role of dopamine. It might even be possible
to test this theory with current experimental technology.
A possible link between artificial and biological
neural network learning rules
Huaiyu Zhu
A learning rule for stochastic neural networks is described, which
corresponds to biological neural systems in all major aspects.
Instead of backpropagating a vector through the synapses, only a few
scalars are broadcast across the whole network, corresponding to the
role played by the neurotransmitter dopamine. In addition, the
annealing process avoids local optima in the learning process and
corresponds to the difference in learning between adults and
children. Some more detailed predictions are made for future
comparison with neurophysiological data.
(In Proc. Intl. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'97),
Vol.1, pp.263-266. Dunedin, New Zealand, 28-30 Nov, 1997)
Huaiyu Zhu Tel: 1 505 984 8800 ext 305
Santa Fe Institute Fax: 1 505 982 0565
1399 Hyde Park Road mailto:zhuh at santafe.edu
Santa Fe, NM 87501 http://www.santafe.edu/~zhuh/
USA ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/zhuh/
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