NIPS*97 Program
Tony Bell
tony at
Tue Sep 23 09:08:51 EDT 1997
The following is a complete list of papers accepted to NIPS*97, along
with the preliminary schedule.
Michael Kearns
NIPS*97 Program Chair
DNA^2 DNA Computation: A Potential Killer Application?
Richard Lipton, Princeton University and Bellcore Research
(Invited Talk)
Incorporating Contextual Information in White Blood Cell Identification
Xubo Song and Joseph Sill, California Institute of Technology
Harvey Kasdan, International Remote Imaging Systems
(Oral Presentation)
Extended ICA Removes Artifacts from Electroencephalographic Recordings
Tzyy-Ping Jung, Colin Humphries, and Te-Won Lee, Salk Institute
Scott Makeig, Naval Health Research Center
Martin J. McKeown, Salk Institute
Vicente Iragui, UC San Diego
Terrence J. Sejnowski, Salk Institute
(Oral Presentation)
A Solution for Missing Data in Recurrent Neural Networks with
an Application to Blood Glucose Prediction
Volker Tresp and Thomas Briegel, Siemens
(Poster Spotlight)
Reinforcement Learning for Call Admission Control in Routing
in Integrated Service Networks
Peter Marbach, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Oliver Mihatsch, Siemens
Miriam Schulte, Technische Universitat Munchen
John N. Tsitsiklis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks
Jake Ryan, Risto Miikkulainen, and Meng-Jang Lin,
University of Texas at Austin
(Poster Spotlight)
Structure Driven Image Database Retrieval
Jeremy S. De Bonet and Paul Viola, Massachusetts Institute of
(Poster Spotlight)
Analog VLSI Model of Intersegmental Coordination with Nearest-neighbor
Girish N. Patel, Jeremy H. Holleman and Stephen P. DeWeerth,
Georgia Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
A Framework for Multiple-Instance Learning
Oded Maron and Tomas Lozano-Perez, Massachusetts Institute of
(Oral Presentation)
Hierarchical Non-linear Factor Analysis and Topographic Maps
Zoubin Ghahramani and Geoffrey E. Hinton, University of Toronto
(Oral Presentation)
Learning Continuous Attractors in Recurrent Networks
H. S. Seung, Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
(Oral Presentation)
Classification by Pairwise Coupling
Trevor Hastie, Stanford University
Robert Tibshirani, University of Toronoto
(Poster Spotlight)
Agnostic Clustering of Markovian Sequences
Ran El-Yaniv, Shai Fine and Naftali Tishby, Hebrew University
(Poster Spotlight)
EM Algorithms for PCA and SPCA
Sam Roweis, California Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
Training Methods for Adaptive Boosting of Neural Networks
for Character Recognition
Holger Schwenk and Yoshua Bengio, Universite de Montreal
(Poster Spotlight)
Learning to Order Things
William W. Cohen, Robert E. Schapire and Yoram Singer,
AT&T Labs
(Poster Spotlight)
On Efficient Heuristic Ranking of Hypotheses
Steve Chien, Andre Stechert and Darren Mutz, Jet Propulsion
(Poster Spotlight)
Estimating Dependency Structure as a Hidden Variable
Marina Meila and Michael I. Jordan,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
Learning in Rational Agents
Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley
(Invited Talk)
Visual Navigation in a Robot Using Zig-zag Behavior
M. Anthony Lewis, University of Illinois
(Oral Presentation)
Nonparametric Model-based Reinforcement Learning
Christopher G. Atkeson, Georgia Institute of Technology
(Oral Presentation)
Reinforcement Learning with Hierarchies of Machines
Ron Parr and Stuart Russell, UC Berkeley
(Oral Presentation)
On the Infeasibility of Training Neural Networks with Small Squared
Van H. Vu, Yale University
(Poster Spotlight)
Data Dependent Structural Risk Minimization for Perceptron Decision
John Shawe-Taylor and Nello Cristianini, University of London
(Poster Spotlight)
Generalization in Decision Trees and DNF: Does Size Matter?
Mostefa Golea and Peter L. Bartlett, Australian National
Wee Sun Lee, Australian Defence Force Academy
(Poster Spotlight)
The Asymptotic Convergence Rate of Q-learning
Cs. Szpesvari, Jozsef Attila University
(Poster Spotlight)
An Improved Policy Iteration Algorithm for Partially Observable MDPs
Eric A. Hansen, University of Massachusetts
(Poster Spotlight)
(Note: contributed papers presented during Tuesday's oral sessions will
also have posters Tuesday evening.)
Gradients for Retinotectal Mapping
Geoffrey J. Goodhill, Georgetown University
Incremental Learning with Sample Queries
Joel Ratsaby, Nu Age Products
Analytical Study of the Interplay Between Architecture and
Avner Priel, Ido Kanter and D.A. Kessler, Bar Ilan University
A 1,000-Neuron System with One Million 7-bit Physical Interconnections
Yuzo Hirai, University of Tsukuba
Finite Sample Bounds for Non-linear Time Series Prediction
Ron Meir, Technion
Graph Matching with Hierarchical Discrete Relaxation
Richard C. Wilson and Edwin R. Hancock, University of York
Recovering Perspective Pose with a Dual Step EM Algorithm
A.D.J. Cross and E.R. Hancock, University of York
Bidirectional Retrieval from Associative Memory
Friedrich T. Sommer and G. Palm, University of Ulm
Synchronized Auditory and Cognitive 40 Hz Attentional Streams,
and the Impact of Rhythmic Expectation on Auditory Scene Analysis
Bill Baird, UC Berkeley
Ensemble and Modular Approaches for Face Detection: A Comparison
Raphael Feraud and Olivier Bernier, France Telecom
Hybrid Reinforcement Learning and its Application to Biped Robot Control
Satoshi Yamada, Akira Watanabe and Michio Nakashima, Mitsubishi
S-Map: A Network with a Simple Self-organization Algorithm
for Generative Topographic Mapping
Kimmo Kiviluoto and Erkki Oja, Helsinki University of
New Approximations of Differential Entropy for Independent
Component Analysis and Projection Pursuit
Aapo Hyvarinen, Helsinki University of Technology
Combining Classifiers Using Correspondence Analysis
Christopher J. Merz, UC Irvine
A Neural Network Model of Naive Preference and Filial Imprinting
in the Domestic Chick
Lucy E. Hadden, UC San Diego
MELONET I: Neural Nets for Inventing Baroque-style Chorale Variations
Dominik Hornel, Universitat Fridericiana Karlsruhe (TH)
Automatic Aircraft Recovery via Reinforcement Learning: Initial
Jeffrey F. Monaco and David G. Ward, Barron Associates, Inc.
Andrew G. Barto, University of Massachusetts
Unsupervised On-line Learning of Decision Trees for Hierarchical Data
Marcus Held and Joachim M. Buhmann,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat
An Annealed Self-organizing Map for Source Channel Coding
Matthias Burger, Thore Graepel and Klaus Obermayer,
Technical University of Berlin
Bach in a Box - Real-time Harmony
Randall R. Spangler, Rodney M. Goodman, and Jim Hawkins,
California Institute of Technology
Function Approximation with the Sweeping Hinge Algorithm
Don R. Hush and Fernando Lozano, University of New Mexico
Bill Horne, MakeWaves, Inc.
Incorporating Test Inputs into Learning
Zehra Cataltepe and Malik Magdon-Ismail,
California Institute of Technology
Just One View: Invariances in Inferotemporal Cell Tuning
Maximilian Riesenhuber and Tomaso Poggio,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Weight Space Structure and the Storage Capacity
of a Fully-connected Committee Machine
Yuansheng Xiong, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology
Chulan Kwon, Myong Ji University
Jong-Hoon Oh, Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
Recurrent Neural Networks Can Learn to Implement Symbol-Sensitive
Paul Rodriguez, UC San Diego
Janet Wiles, University of Queensland
Multi-modular Associative Memory
Nir Levy, David Horn and Eytan Ruppin, Tel-Aviv University
On Parallel Versus Serial Processing: A Computational Study of Visual
Eyal Cohen and Eytan Ruppin, Tel-Aviv University
Self-similarity Properties of Natural Images
Antonio Turiel, German Mato, and Nestor Parga,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Jean-Pierre Nadal, Ecole Normale Superieure
Experiences with Bayesian Learning in a Real World Application
Peter Sykacek and Georg Dorffner, Austrian Research Institute
for Artificial Intelligence
Peter Rapplesberger, University of Vienna
Josef Zeitlhofer, AKH Vienna
An Analog VLSI Neural Network for Phase-based Computer Vision
Bertram E. Shi and Kwok Fai Hui,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
An Application of Reversible-jump MCMC to
Multivariate Spherical Gaussian Mixtures
Alan D. Marrs, Defence Evaluation & Research Agency
Regularisation in Sequential Learning Algorithms
Joao FG de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan and Andrew H. Gee,
Cambridge University
A Generic Approach for Identification of Event Related
Brain Potentials via a Competitive Neural Network Structure
Daniel H. Lange, Hava T. Siegelmann, Hillel Pratt
and Gideon F. Inbar, Israel Institute of Technology
Selecting Weighting Factors in Logarithmic Opinion Pools
Tom Heskes, University of Nijmegen
Shared Context Probabilistic Transducers
Yoshua Bengio, Universite de Montreal
Samy Bengio, CIRANO
Jean-Francois Isabelle, NOVASYS
Yoram Singer, AT&T Labs
Perturbative M-sequences for Auditory Systems Identification
Mark Kvale and Christoph E. Schreiner, UC San Francisco
Instabilities in Eye Movement Control:
A Model of Periodic Alternating Nystagmus
Ernst R. Dow and Thomas J. Anastasio, University of Illinois
The Observer-observation Dilemma in Neuro-forecasting
Hans Georg Zimmermann and Ralph Neuneier, Siemens
Enhancing Q-learning for Optimal Asset Allocation
Ralph Neuneier, Siemens
An Analog VLSI Model of the Fly Elementary Motion Detector
Reid R. Harrison and Christof Koch, California Institute of
Synaptic Transmission: An Information-theoretic Perspective
Amit Manwani and Christof Koch, California Institute of
Phase Transitions and Perceptual Organization of Video Sequences
Yair Weiss, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Adaptive Choice of Grid and Time in Reinforcement Learning
Stephan Pareigis, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat Kiel
The Rectified Gaussian Distribution
N.D. Socci, D.D. Lee and H.S. Seung,
Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
Two Approaches to Optimal Annealing
Todd K. Leen, Oregon Graduate Institute
Bernhard Schottky and David Saad, Aston University
On the Separation of Signals from Neighboring Cells in Tetrode
Maneesh Sahani, John S. Pezaris and Richard A. Andersen,
California Institute of Technology
Detection of First and Second Order Motion
Alexander Grunewald, California Institute of Technology
Heiko Neumann, Universitat Ulm
Silicon Retina with Adaptive Filtering Properties
Shih-Chii Liu, California Institute of Technology
Relative Loss Bounds, the Minimum Relative Entropy Principle and EM
Manfred Warmuth, UC Santa Cruz
(Invited Talk)
Saddle Point and Hamiltonian Structure in Excitatory-inhibitory Networks
H.S. Seung and T.J. Richardson, Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
J.C. Lagarias, AT&T Labs
J.J. Hopfield, Princeton University
(Oral Presentation)
>From Regularization Operators to Support Vector Kernels
Alexander J. Smola, GMD
Bernhard Scholkopf, Max Planck Institute
(Oral Presentation)
Globally Optimal On-line Learning Rules
Magnus Rattray and David Saad, Aston University
(Poster Spotlight)
Asymptotics for Regularization
Petri Koistinen, University of Helsinki
(Poster Spotlight)
Prior Knowledge in Support Vector Kernels
Bernhard Scholkopf, Max Planck Institute
Patrice Simard and Valdimir Vapnik, AT&T Labs
Alexander J. Smola, GMD
(Poster Spotlight)
Optimization of the Drift for Nonequilibrium Diffusion Networks
Paul Mineiro, Javier Movellan, and R.J. Williams, UC San Diego
(Poster Spotlight)
A Revolution: Belief Propagation in Graphs With Cycles
Brendan Frey, University of Toronto
David J. C. MacKay, Cambridge University
(Poster Spotlight)
Using Expectation to Guide Processing: A Study of Three Real-world
Shumeet Baluja, Carnegie Mellon University
(Oral Presentation)
Bayesian Robustification for Audio Visual Fusion in Non-stationary
Javier Movellan and Paul Mineiro, UC San Diego
(Oral Presentation)
Spectrotemporal Receptive Fields for Neurons in the
Primary Auditory Cortex of the Awake Primate
R.C. deCharms and M.M. Merzenich, UC San Francisco
(Oral Presentation)
Active Data Clustering
Thomas Hofmann, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joachim M. Buhmann, Universitat Bonn
(Poster Spotlight)
Learning Nonlinear Overcomplete Representations for Efficient Coding
Michael S. Lewicki and Terrence J. Sejnowski, Salk Institute
(Poster Spotlight)
A Non-parametric Multi-scale Statistical Model for Natural Images
Jeremy S. De Bonet and Paul Viola,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
Modeling Acoustic Correlations by Factor Analysis
Lawrence Saul and Mazin Rahim, AT&T Labs
(Poster Spotlight)
Blind Separation of Radio Signals in Fading Channels
Kari Torkkola, Motorola
(Poster Spotlight)
Features as Sufficient Statistics
D. Geiger, A. Rudra and L. Maloney, New York University
(Poster Spotlight)
Bayesian Model of Surface Perception
William T. Freeman, Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab
Paul A. Viola, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
2D Observers for Human 3D Object Recognition?
Zili Liu, NEC Research Institute
Daniel Kersten, University of Minnesota
(Poster Spotlight)
Computing with Action Potentials
John Hopfield, Princeton University
(Invited Talk)
Coding of Naturalistic Stimuli by Auditory Midbrain Neurons
H. Attias and C.E. Schreiner, UC San Francisco
(Oral Presentation)
Refractoriness and Neural Precision
Michael J. Berry II and Markus Meister, Harvard University
(Oral Presentation)
A Mathematical Model of Axon Guidance by Diffusible Factors
Geoffrey J. Goodhill, Georgetown University
(Oral Presentation)
Neural Basis of Object-centered Representations
Sophie Deneve and Alexandre Pouget, Georgetown University
(Poster Spotlight)
A Model of Early Visual Processing
Laurent Itti, Jochen Braun, Dale K. Lee and Christof Koch,
California Institute of Technology
(Poster Spotlight)
Effects of Spike Timing Underlying Binocular Integration and
Rivalry in a Neural Model of Early Visual Cortex
Erik D. Lumer, Universite Libre de Bruxelles
(Poster Spotlight)
Statistical Models of Conditioning
Peter Dayan and Theresa Long, Massachusetts Institute of
(Poster Spotlight)
(Note: contributed papers presented during Wednesday's oral sessions
also have posters Wednesday evening.)
Serial Order in Reading Aloud: Connectionist Models and Neighborhood
Jeanne C. Milostan and Garrison W. Cottrell, UC San Diego
The Error Coding Method and PaCT's
Gareth James and Trevor Hastie, Stanford University
Linear Concepts and Hidden Variables: an Empirical Study
Adam J. Grove, NEC Research Institute,
Dan Roth, Weizmann Institute of Science
A Hippocampal Model of Recognition Memory
Randall C. O'Reilly, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kenneth A. Norman, Harvard University
James L. McClelland, Carnegie Mellon University
The Efficiency and the Robustness of Natural Gradient Descent Learning
Howard Hua Yang and Shun-ichi Amari, RIKEN
Derive Serial Updating Rule for Blind Separation from the Method of
Howard Hua Yang, RIKEN
Unconscious Inference and the Up-propagation Algorithm
Jong-Hoon Oh and H. Sebastian Seung, Bell Labs Lucent
Nonlinear Markov Networks for Continuous Variables
Reimar Hofmann and Volker Tresp, Siemens
Modelling Seasonality and Trends in Daily Rainfall Data
Peter M. Williams, University of Sussex
Task and Spatial Frequency Effects on Face Specialization
Matthew N. Dailey and Garrison W. Cottrell, UC San Diego
A Simple and Fast Neural Network Approach to Stereovision
Rolf D. Henkel, University of Bremen
Wavelet Models for Video Time Series
Sheng Ma and Chuanyi Ji, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Multiple Threshold Neural Logic
Vasken Bohossian and Jehoshua Bruck, California Institute of
Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Stochastic Control Problems
Remi Munos, CEMAGREF
Paul Bourgine, Ecole Polytechnique
Independent Component Analysis for Identification of
Artifacts in Magnetoencephalographic Recordings
Ricardo Vigario, Veikko Jousmaki, Matti Hamalainen,
Riitta Hari and Erkki Oja, Helsinki University of
Hybrid NN/HMM-based Speech Recognition with
a Discriminant Neural Feature Extraction
Daniel Willett and Gerhard Rigoll, Gerhard Mercator University
Use of a Multi-layer Perceptron to Predict Malignancy in Ovarian Tumors
Herman Verrelst, Yves Moreau, and Joos Vandewalle,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dirk Timmerman, University Hospitals Leuven
Correlates of Attention in a Model of Dynamic Visual Recognition
Rajesh P.N. Rao, University of Rochester
Approximating Posterior Distributions in Belief Networks Using Mixtures
Christopher M. Bishop and Neil Lawrence, Aston University
Tommi Jaakkola and Michael I. Jordan,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Regression with Input-dependent Noise: a Gaussian Process Treatment
Paul W. Goldberg, Christopher K.I. Williams and Christopher M.
Aston University
Online Learning from Finite Training Sets in Non-linear Networks
Peter Sollich, University of Edinburgh
David Barber, Aston University
Radial Basis Functions: a Bayesian Treatment
David Barber and Bernhard Schottky, Aston University
Computing with Stochastic Dynamic Synapses
Wolfgang Maass, Technische Universitaet Graz
Anthony M. Zador, Salk Institute
Learning to Schedule Straight-line Code
J. Eliot B. Moss, Paul E. Utgoff, John Cavazos,
Doina Precup and Darko Stefanovic, University of Massachusetts
Carla Brodley and David Scheeff, Purdue University,
Multi-time Models for Temporally Abstract Planning
Doina Precup and Richard S. Sutton, University of Massachusetts
Inferring Sparse, Overcomplete Image Codes Using an Efficient Coding
Michael S. Lewicki, Salk Institute
Bruno A. Olshausen, UC Davis
Mapping a Manifold
Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Monotonic Networks
Joseph Sill, California Institute of Technology
The Canonical Distortion Measure in Feature Space and 1-NN
Jonathan Baxter and Peter Bartlett, Australian National
Relative Loss Bounds for Multidimensional Regression Problems
Jyrki Kivinen, University of Helsinki
Manfred K. Warmuth, UC Santa Cruz
A General Purpose Image Processing Chip: Orientation Detection
Ralph Etienne-Cummings and Donghui Cai, Southern Illinois
Receptive Field Formation in Natural Scene Environments:
Comparison of Kurtosis, Skewness, and the Quadratic form of BCM
Brian Blais, N. Intrator, H. Shouval and Leon N. Cooper,
Brown University
How to Dynamically Merge Markov Decision Processes
Satinder Singh, University of Colorado
David Cohn, Harlequin, Inc.
Comparison of Human and Machine Word Recognition
M. Schenkel, C. Latimer and M. Jabri, University of Sydney
Analysis of Drifting Dynamics with Neural Network Hidden Markov Models
J. Kohlmorgen, K.-R. Muller, GMD
K. Pawelzik, MPI f. Stromungsforschung,
A Neural Network Based Head Tracking System
D.D. Lee and H.S. Seung, Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
Multiresolution Tangent Distance for Affine-invariant Classification
Nuno Vasconcelos and Andrew Lippman,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Modeling a Complex Cell in an Awake Macaque During Natural Image Viewing
William E. Vinje and Jack L. Gallant, UC Berkeley
Local Dimensionality Reduction
Stefan Schaal, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sethu Vijayakumar, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Christopher C. Atkeson, Georgia Institute of Technology
Using Helmholtz Machines to Analyze Multi-channel Neuronal Recordings
Virginia R. de Sa, R. Christopher deCharms
and Michael M. Merzenich, UC San Francisco
RCC Cannot Compute Certain FSA, Even with Arbitrary Transfer Functions
Mark Ring, GMD
Competitive On-line Linear Regression
V. Vovk, University of London
Generalized Prioritized Sweeping
David Andre, Nir Friedman and Ronald Parr, UC Berkeley
Toward a Single-cell Account of Binocular Disparity Tuning:
An Energy Model May be Hiding in Your Dendrites
Bartlet W. Mel, University of Southern California
Daniel L. Ruderman, The Salk Institute
Kevin A. Archie, University of Southern California,
Hippocampal Model of Rat Spatial Abilities Using Temporal Difference
David J. Foster and Richard G.M. Morris, Edinburgh University
Peter Dayan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Boltzmann Machine Learning Using Mean Field Theory
and Linear Response Correction
H.J. Kappen, University of Nijmegen
Odor Coding by the Olfactory System: Distributed Processing in
Biological and Artificial Systems
John S. Kauer, Tufts University
(Invited Talk)
Adaptation in Speech Motor Control
John F. Houde, UC San Francisco
Michael I. Jordan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Oral Presentation)
A Superadditive-impairment Theory of Optic Aphasia
Michael C. Mozer and Mark Sitton, University of Colorado
Martha Farah, University of Pennsylvania
(Oral Presentation)
Learning Human-like Knowledge by Singular Value Decomposition: A
Progress Report
Thomas K. Landauer and Darrell Laham, University of Colorado at
Peter Foltz, New Mexico State University
(Oral Presentation)
Local Independent Component Analysis
Juan K. Lin, University of Chicago
(Oral Presentation)
Stacked Density Estimation
Padhraic Smyth, UC Irvine
David Wolpert, IBM Almaden Research
(Oral Presentation)
Ensemble Learning for Multi-layer Networks
David Barber and Christopher M. Bishop, Aston University
(Oral Presentation)
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