ICCIMA'98 Second Call for Papers

Henry Selvaraj henrys at gscit-1.fcit.monash.edu.au
Tue May 6 16:08:06 EDT 1997


         International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
                Multimedia Applications  9-11 February 1998

          Monash University, Gippsland Campus, Churchill, Australia

                  S E C O N D     C A L L      F O R     P A P E R S

      The International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
  Multimedia Applications will be held at Monash University on 9-11
  February 1998. The conference will provide an international forum
  for discussion on issues in the areas of Computational Intelligence
  and Multimedia for scientists, engineers, researchers and

      The conference will include sessions on theory, implementation
  and applications, as well as the non-technical areas of challenges in
  education and technology transfer to industry. There will be both
  oral and poster sessions.  Accepted full papers will be included in
  the proceedings  to be published by World Scientific. Several
  well-known keynote speakers will address the conference.

  Conference Topics Include (but not limited to):
    Artificial Intelligence 
    Artificial Neural Networks 
    Artificial Intelligence and Logic Synthesis
    Functional decomposition
    Pattern Recognition
    Fuzzy Systems 
    Genetic Algorithms
    Intelligent Control 
    Intelligent Databases
    Knowledge-based Engineering 
    Learning Algorithms 
    Memory, Storage and Retrieval 
    Multimedia Systems
    Formal Models for Multimedia
    Interactive Multimedia
    Multimedia and Virtual Reality
    Multimedia and Telecommunications
    Multimedia Information Retrieval

  Special Sessions:

    Artificial Intelligence and Logic Synthesis: intelligent
  algorithms for logic synthesis; functional decomposition 
  in machine learning, pattern recognition, knowledge discovery 
  and logic synthesis;evolutionary and reconfigurable computing 
  with FPGAs. Chair: Lech  Jozwiak, Eindhoven University, 

    Multimedia Information Retrieval: segmentation of audio, image and
  video; feature extraction and representation; semi-automatic text
  annotation techniques; indexing structure; query model and retrieval
  methods; feature similarity measurement; system integration issues;
  prototype systems and applications.  Chair: Guojun Lu, Monash
  University, Australia.

  Pre-Conference Workshops and Tutorial:
  Proposals for pre-conference workshops and tutorials relevant to the
  conference topics are invited. These are to be held on Saturday 7th
  February and Sunday 8th February at the conference venue. People
  wishing to organise such workshops or tutorials are invited to
  submit a proposal at the same time as submission deadline for
  papers. The accepted proposals will be advertised. 

  Special Poster Session:

  ICCIMA'98 will include a special poster session devoted to recent
  work and work-in-progress. Abstracts are solicited for this session
  (2 page limit) in camera ready form, and may be submitted up to 30
  days before the conference date. They will not be refereed and will
  not be included in the proceedings, but will be distributed to
  attendees upon arrival. Students are especially encouraged to submit
  abstracts for this session. 

  Invited Sessions

  Keynote speakers (key industrialists, chief research 
  scientists and leading academics) will be addressing 
  the main issues of the conference.

  Important Dates:

  Submission of papers received latest on:  7 July  97

  Notification of acceptance:  19 September 97

  Camera ready papers  & registration received by:  24 October  97

  Submission of Papers

  Papers in English reporting original and unpublished research
  results and experience are solicited. Electronic submission of
  papers via e-mail in postscript or Microsoft Word for Windows format
  directly to the General Chair are acceptable and encouraged for the
  refereeing process. If not submitting an electronic version, please
  submit three hard copy originals to the General Chair. Papers for
  refereeing purposes must be received at the ICCIMA 98 secretariat
  latest by 7 July 1997. Notification of acceptance will be mailed by
  19 September 1997.

  Page Limits

  Papers for refereeing should be double-spaced and must include an
  abstract of 100-150 words with up to six keywords.

  The accepted papers will need to be received at the ICCIMA 98
  secretariat by 24 October 1997 in camera ready format.  A final
  preparation format for the camera-ready papers will be provided upon
  notification of acceptance. Camera ready papers exceeding 6 pages
  (including abstract, all text, figures, tables and references etc.)
  will be charged an extra fee per page in excess to the normal

  Evaluation Process

  All submissions will be refereed based on the following criteria by
  two reviewers with appropriate background.

      contribution to the area of research 
      technical quality 
      relevance to ICCIMA 98 topics 
      clarity of presentation 

  Referees  report will be provided to all authors.

  Check List

  Prospective authors should check that the following items are
  attached and guidelines followed while submitting the papers for
  refereeing purpose.

      * The paper and its title page should not contain the name(s) of
        the author(s), or their affiliation

      * The paper should have attached a covering page containing 
        the following information:
          -title of the paper 
          -author name(s), Affiliation, mail and e-mail addresses,
           and fax numbers
          -Conference topic area 
          -up to six keywords 

      * The name, e-mail, phone, fax and postal address of the contact
        person should be attached to the submission 

  Visits and Social Events

  Industrial and sight seeing visits will be arranged for 
  the delegates and guests. A separate program will be 
  arranged for companions during the conference.

  General Chair: 

  Henry Selvaraj               
  Gippsland School of Computing 
  & Information Technology
  Monash University,        
  Churchill, VIC, Australia 3842
  Henry.Selvaraj at fcit.monash.edu.au
  Phone: +61 3 9902 6665 
  Fax: +61 3 9902 6842

  International Programme Committee:

  Abdul Sattar, Griffith University, Australia 
  Andre de Carvalho, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil 
  Bob Bignall, Monash University, Australia
  Brijesh Verma, Griffith University, Australia (Programme Chair)
  Dinesh Patel, Surrey University, UK Henry Selvaraj, Monash
  University, Australia Hyunsoo Lee, University of Yonsei, Korea Jan
  Mulawka, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Jong-Hwan Kim,
  Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea Lech
  Jozwiak, Eindhoven Univ. of Tech, Netherlands Margaret
  Marek-Sadowska, University of California, USA Marek Perkowski,
  Portland State University, USA Michael Bove, MIT Media Laboratory,
  USA Mikio Takagi, University of Tokyo, Japan Nagarajan Ramesh,Tencor
  Instruments, USA Ramana Reddy, West Virginia University, USA Regu
  Subramanian, Nanyang Tech University, Singapore Sargur Srihari,
  State University of New York, USA Shyam Kapur, James Cook
  University, Australia Sourav Kundu, Kanazawa University, Japan S.
  Srinivasan, IIT, Madras, India Subhash Wadhwa, IIT, Delhi, India
  Tadeusz Luba, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Vishy Karri,
  University of Tasmania, Australia Xin Yao, University of New South
  Wales, Australia

  International Liaison
  Asian Liaison: 
  Regu Subramanian, Network Technology Research 
  Centre, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

  U.S. Liaison: 
  Marek Perkowski, Portland State University, USA 

  European Liaison:
  Tadeusz Luba, Warsaw University of Technology, 

  Organising Committee:

  Bob Bignall,  Monash University, Australia
  Baikunth Nath, Monash University, Australia
  Vishy Karri, University of  Tasmania, Australia
  Syed M. Rahman, Monash University, Australia
  Bala Srinivasan, Monash University,Australia
  Cheryl Brickell, Monash University, Australia
  Andy Flitman, Monash University, Australia
  Lindsay Smith, Monash University, Australia

    Further Information:

    Conference Email :        
                  iccima98 at fcit.monash.edu.au
    Conference WWW Page:

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