Support Vector Workshop
Bernhard Schoelkopf
bs at
Tue Jun 24 07:31:37 EDT 1997
Call for Contributions
NIPS'97 Workshop on
Support Vector Learning Machines
The Support Vector (SV) learning algorithm (Boser, Guyon, Vapnik, 1992;
Cortes, Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1995) provides a general method for solving
Pattern Recognition, Regression Estimation and Operator Inversion problems.
The method is based on results in the theory of learning with finite sample
sizes. The last few years have witnessed an increasing interest in SV
machines, due largely to excellent results in pattern recognition, regression
estimation and time series prediction experiments.
The purpose of this workshop is (1) to provide an overview of recent
developments in SV machines, ranging from theoretical results to applications,
(2) to explore connections with other methods, and (3) to identify weaknesses,
strengths and directions for future research for SVMs. We invite
contributions on SV machines and related approaches, looking for empirical
support wherever possible. Topics of interest to the workshop include:
SV Applications
SV Optimization and implementation issues
Theory of generalization and regularization
Learning methods based on Hilbert-Schmidt kernels (e.g. kernel PCA)
Links to related methods and concepts (e.g. boosting, fat shattering)
Representation of functions in SV machines (e.g. splines, anova)
The workshop will be held in Breckenridge, Colorado, on December 5 or 6, 1997.
We are in the process of putting together a tentative schedule. If you are
interested in contributing, please contact us (mailto:smola at, or
faxto:+49-30-6392-1805, A. Smola). Submission of papers is not required for
the workshop. We would, however, appreciate a brief description of your
envisaged talk. As one of the workshop's foci will be discussions,
presentation of recent and/or controversial work is encouraged.
A workshop home page has been set up at
Additional information on SV research can be found at (Bell Labs SV services) and (annotated SV
Leon Bottou (AT&T Research, leonb at
Chris Burges (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, burges at
Bernhard Schoelkopf (Max Planck Institute at Tuebingen, bs at
Alex Smola (Technical University/GMD Berlin, smola at
bernhard schoelkopf
mailto:bs at
max-planck-institut fuer biologische kybernetik
spemannstr.38, 72076 tuebingen, germany
phone +49 7071 601-609, fax -616
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