Preprints and Abstracts available online
Jan Puzicha
jan at
Mon Feb 3 11:21:44 EST 1997
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The following six PREPRINTS are now available as abstracts and compressed
postscript online via the WWW-Home-Page
of the
|Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Group|
| of the University of Bonn, |
| Prof. J. Buhmann, Germany. |
1.) Thomas Hofmann and Joachim Buhmann, Pairwise Data Clustering by Deterministic
Annealing, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
PAMI 19(1), 1997.
2.) Joachim Buhmann and Thomas Hofmann, Robust Vector Quantization by Competitive
Learning. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Accoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP'97), Munich, 1997.
3.) Hansjrg Klock and Joachim Buhmann, Multidimensional Scaling by
Deterministic Annealing. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Energy
Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition EMMCVPR'97, Venice.
4.) Thorsten Frhlinghaus and Joachim Buhmann. Real-Time Phase-Based Stereo for a
Mobile Robot. in: Proceedings of the First Euromicro Workshop on Advanced Mobile
robots. pp. 178-185, 1996.
5.) Thomas Hofmann, Jan Puzicha and Joachim M. Buhmann, Deterministic Annealing for
Unsupervised Texture Segmentation. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
(EMMCVPR'97), Venice.
6.) Thomas Hofmann, Jan Puzicha and Joachim M. Buhmann, A Deterministic Annealing
Framework for Unsupervised Texture Segmentation. Technical Report IAI-TR-96-2,
Institut fr Informatik III, University of Bonn. 1996.
| NEW: Test our algorithms on YOUR data|
If you want to test our unsupervised segmentation algorithms (see preprints
5. and 6. for more information) on your data, please download your data in any
of the usual formats (pgm,gif,postscript,...) on our
ftp-server in the directory /pub/dbv/incoming
and write a short notice to jan at We will segment your data as soon
as possible and send you the results.
Feel free to have a look at the new online-presentation of texture segmentation
results and the new links to related sites, conferences and jounals.
If you have any questions or remarks, please let me know.
Greetings Jan Puzicha
Jan Puzicha | email: jan at
Institute f. Informatics III | jan at
University of Bonn | WWW :
Roemerstrasse 164 | Tel. : +49 228 550-383
D-53117 Bonn | Fax : +49 228 550-382
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