Vincenzo Piuri piuri at
Fri Aug 8 14:37:26 EDT 1997

                                 31st ISATA
        International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation
                     Dusseldorf, Germany, 2-5 June 1998

Chairman: Prof. Dr. Dieter Roller, Universitat Stuttgart, Germany


                            CALL FOR PAPERS


The ISATA Symposium is an outstanding international forum addressing the most 
topical and important areas of research and development in a wide variety of 
fields relevant to the automotive industry. It brings together researchers and 
practitioners both from the academy and industry. The wide range of research 
and applications topics covered by this meeting is divided and presented in 8 
simultaneous program tracks: "Automotive mechatronics design and engineering", 
"Simulation, virtual reality and supercomputing automotive applications", 
"Advanced manufacturing in the automotive industry", "Materials for energy-
efficient vehicles", "New propulsion systems and alternative fuel vehicles", 
"Automotive electronics and new products", "Logistics management and 
environmental aspects", and "Passenger comfort, road and vehicle safety".

The special session on "Neural identification, prediction and control for 
automotive embedded systems" will be a forum for analyzing, comparing and 
evaluating the capabilities and the effectiveness of neural techniques with 
specific reference to the automotive area. The use of such technologies in
heterogeneous embedded system, composed by digital dedicated ASIC devices or microprocessor-based structures and neural components, is in fact becoming 
more and more attractive to realize advanced flexible, efficient and smart 
vehicles due to their "intelligent" and adaptive features. For example, typical
application areas are fuel injection, engine efficiency, guide control, asset 
balancing, exhausted emissions control, assisted navigation, sensor enhancement 
and fusion, system diagnosis.

For the special session, papers are welcome on all aspects of neural network 
theory and applications in identification, prediction and control for the 
automotive industry, with specific reference to their use in heterogeneous 
embedded systems. In particular, papers are solicited on neural techniques 
and implementations referring to system modeling, control, prediction, learning,
stability, optimization, adaptivity, sensor fusion, classification, 
instrumentation, diagnosis, neural devices, VLSI and FPGA realizations, 
integration of neural components in embedded systems, interfacing of neural 
components in digital systems, specification of heterogeneous embedded systems, 
design automation of neural devices and heterogeneous embedded systems, 
testing, CAD tools, real applications, and experimental results.

Perspective authors should submit a short abstract (100-150 words) both to 
the Special Session Organizer and to the Secretariat, including title, author(s)
and affiliation(s), by October 31, 1997. The name of the special session must 
be clearly specified in the submission. The contact author must be identified, 
with his complete affiliation, address, phone, fax and email. The short abstract
is required to plan the review process. Submission of abstracts can be performed
also by email or fax.
Authors must then send the paper drafts to the Secretariat only by January 16, 
1998: submission of drafts must be performed by mail only (email and fax 
submissions are not accepted). Refereeing will be performed on the draft papers.
Submission of the draft paper implies, if accepted for presentation at the 
conference, the willingness to send the final version of the paper, to register 
at the conference and to present the paper.
Notification of rejection or acceptance will be mailed by February 28, 1998. The
final camera ready version is due to the Secretariat by March 31, 1998.

Organizer of the Special Session on
Neural Identification, Prediction and Control 
for Automotive Embedded Systems

prof. Vincenzo Piuri
Department of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano
piazza L. da Vinci 32
20133 Milano, Italy
phone +39-2-2399-3623
fax +39-2-2399-3411
email piuri at

Conference Secretariat:

31th ISATA Symposium
32A Queen Street
Croydon, CRO 1SY, UK
phone +44 181 681 3069
fax +44 181 686 1490
email 100270.1263 at
web page


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