Wulfram Gerstner
Wulfram.Gerstner at di.epfl.ch
Thu Apr 10 04:16:34 EDT 1997
--------- ICANN'97 ------
7th Annual Conference of the European Neural Network Society ENNS
I CCC A N N N N '' 999 77777
I C C A A NN N NN N 9 9 7
I C A A N N N N N N 9999 7
I CCC A A N N N N 9999 7
International Conference on Neural Networks
October 8-10 - Lausanne Switzerland
Tutorials on Tuesday, October 7
-- The 1997 Latsis Conference --
Email icann97 at epfl.ch
Fax +41 21 693-5656
paper submission deadline: May 15, 1997 (6-page full papers)
Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag, Lecture Note Serie,
see layout instructions below. Papers will be evaluated on the
basis of relevance, originality and clarity.
Mathematical models Applications
+++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
Learning, Dynamical systems, Optimization, Prediction,
Self-organization, Process control, Robotics,
Cellular neural nets. Energy and Comm. Networks.
Biological models Implementations
+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++
Neural codes, Spiking neurons, Bio-inspiration,
Cortex modeling, Sensory processing,
Sensory-motor areas Hardware accelerators,
Analogue VLSI
Conference structure
The program will include plenary talks and 3 or 4 tracks of parallel
sessions covering complementary fields of interest.
Posters presentations will be complemented by short poster
spotlights during oral presentations.
Tutorials will take place on October 7, before the Conference.
Y. Abu-Mostafa (USA), P. Refenes (GB) Finance Applications
X. Arreguit (CH) Silicon Implementations
J.L. van Hemmen (D), A. Kreiter (D) Cortical Oscillations
M. Opper (D) Generalization Theories
Invited speakers
W. Bialek, Princeton, USA, Decoding Spike Trains
H. Bourlard, Martigny, CH, Speech recognition
S. Grossberg, Boston, USA, Visual Perception
H. Markram, Rehovot, Israel, Synaptic Plasticity
E. Oja, Espoo, Finland, Independent Comp. Analysis
H. Ritter, Bielefeld, D, Robotics
T. Roska, Budapest, HU, Cellular Neural Networks
R. Sutton, Amherst, USA, Reinforcement Learning
V. Vapnik, Holmdel, USA, Support Vector Machines
E. Vittoz, Neuchatel, CH, Bioinspired Circuits
Special Sessions are planned on
Cortical Maps and receptive fields,
Temporal Patterns and Brain Dynamics,
Time Series Prediction,
Financial Modeling,
Adaptive Autonomous Agents,
Applications in Power/communication networks.
Instructions for authors
Interested authors should:
- Prepare a 6-page paper in English according to the Springer layout
instructions (1-column book format, about 2000 char/page only)
See http://www.epfl.ch/icann97/authors.html
- Classify the paper according to our list of categories and keywords.
See http://www.epfl.ch/icann97/cata.html
- Fill-in the author submission form.
See http://www.epfl.ch/icann97/sub.html
- Mail 5 copies of the paper and the form before May 15 (do not
include the original if it includes glued pictures or tables)
Sorry, we do not accept electronic copies of papers (FTP, Web)
All papers will be reviewed and the program committee will meet on
June 19-21 for the selection. Authors will be informed by fax before June 25.
Corrections and changes will be requested for July 10. Final conference
program will be available early July. The principal author of an accepted
paper must register before July 30. Student grants are available from Neuronet.
Until May 5, the printed set of forms, layout instructions and examples
can also be requested by fax or e-mail. Please indicate your postal address.
All these documents are available on the Web.
Registration information and fees
Registration fee includes admission to all sessions, one copy of the
proceedings, coffee breaks and 3 lunches, welcome drinks and banquet.
before August 30 -- after
Regular registration fee 580 CHF -- 640 CHF
Student (with lunch, no banquet, no proceedings) 270 CHF -- 330 CHF
Tutorial day (October 7) 30 CHF -- 50 CHF
Ask for a copy of the forms, for the program booklet, or see on the Web
http://www.epfl.ch/icann97/reg.html Participant registration form
http://www.epfl.ch/icann97/stu.html Student special condition form
http://www.epfl.ch/icann97/hotel.html Hotel reservation form
Conference location and accomodation
The conference will be held at the EPFL, Ecublens, 5 km South-West
of Lausanne. A tram provides easy access from the hotels.
Lausanne is located on the lake of Geneva, with easy access
by train and planes.
Hotels are in the 50 to 150 CHF range. Reservation is not handled
by the conference. Ask Fassbind Hotels, fax +41 21 323 0145
General Chairman: Prof Wulfram Gerstner, Mantra-EPFL
Co-chairmen: Prof Alain Germond, Martin Hasler, J.D. Nicoud, EPFL
Program committee secretariat: Monique Dubois, LAMI-EPFL, tel +41 21 693-6635
Registration secretariat: Andrii Moinat, LRC-EPFL, tel +41 21 693-2661
FAX: +41 21 693 5656
Technical Programm Committee
Frangois Blayo Lyon . Marie Cottrell Paris
F. de Viron Bruxelles . Christian Jutten Grenoble Cedex
H. Mallot Berlin . Eddy Mayoraz Martigny
K. Pawelzik Frankfurt . Eric Vittoz Neuchatel
Advisory Board
Larry Abbott Waltham . Moshe Abeles Jerusalem
Sun-ichi Amari Saitama . Michael Arbib Los Angeles
William Bialek Princeton . C.M. Bishop Birmigham
Joan Cabestany Barcelona . J.P. Changeux Paris
Holk Cruse Bielefeld . Emil Fieseler Martigny
Frangoise Fogelman Clamart . Stan Gielen Nijmegen
Karl Goser Dortmund . Stephen Grossberg Boston
Klaus Hepp Zurich . Jeanny Herault Grenoble
J.A. Hertz Kobenhaun . Michael Jordan Cambridge
Christof Koch Pasadena . T. Kohonen Espoo
Lennart Ljung Linkoping . Th. Martinetz Bochum
Pietro Morasso Genova . A.F. Murray Edinburgh
Dagmar Niebur Philadelphia . Erkki Oja Espoo
G. Palm Ulm . Vincenzo Piuri Milano
Alberto Prieto Granada . U. Ramacher Dresden
Helge Ritter Bielfeld . Tamas Roska Budapest
Terrence Sejnowski La Jolla . Sara A. Solla Holmdel
John G. Taylor London . J.L. van Hemmen Garching
V.N. Vapnik Holmdel . Michel Verleysen Louvain-la-Neuve
C. von der Malsburg Bochum . W. von Seelen Bochum
Chr. Wellekens Valbonne . David Willshaw Edinburgh
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