2 PhD positions/research assistants in neural computation

Dario Floreano dario at lamisun9.epfl.ch
Thu Apr 10 04:36:28 EDT 1997

2 PhD positions/research assistants in neural computation
                  available at the
            Center for Neural Computation
   (Centre Mantra pour les systemes neuro-mimetiques)
   Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne
     (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
      DI-EPFL, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland

We seek outstanding candidates for two PhD positions 
at the Mantra Center for Neural Computation, an 
interdisciplinary research unit formally attached to 
the Department of Computer Science.

The positions will open up between April and August 1997.

(i) The first  position will be in the area of bio-inspired 
    approaches to navigation and path planning. Strategies 
    of neural network learning will be combined with 
    evolutionary approaches and will be implemented  on 
    mobile robots.

(ii) The second position will be in the field of computational 
     neuroscience and should address the problems of temporal 
     coding with spiking neurons. It will involve simulations 
     studies and mathematical analysis.

More informations available on the web page

We prefer candidates with a good theoretical/mathematical
background who have had a prior exposure to neural networks,
computational neuroscience, evolutionary computation, or robotics.
Candidates should have the equivalent of a diploma or master degree in
computer science, physics, engineering, or neural computation. 
Successful candidates will be hired as research assistants
(75% of a full salary).

Interested candidates should send, at this stage, a cv and a 
short statement of research experience/research interest
by email to

wulfram.gerstner at di.epfl.ch
dario.floreano at di.epfl.ch

with the subject line marked 

Dr. Wulfram Gerstner, Assistant Professor 
Dr. Dario Floreano, Researcher
Swiss Federal Institure of Technolgy
Center for Neural Computation
1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41-21-693 6713    
Fax. +41-21-693 5263     

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