NIPS*96 Workshop - Blind Signal Processing
Andrew Back
back at
Wed Nov 27 23:03:29 EST 1996
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached, the schedule for the NIPS*96 workshop on
Blind Signal Processing. Further information, including abstracts
and some papers are available on the workshop WWW homepage:
Andrzej Cichocki
Andrew Back
NIPS*96 Workshop
Blind Signal Processing and Their Applications
(Neural Information Processing Approaches)
Saturday Dec 7, 1996
Snowmaas (Aspen), Colorado
Workshop Organizers:
Andrzej Cichocki
Andrew D. Back
Brain Information Processing Group
Frontier Research Program RIKEN,
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Hirosawa 2-1, Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-01, Japan
Phone: +81-48-462-1111 ext: 6733
Fax: +81-48-462-4633
Email: cia at back at
Blind Signal Processing is an emerging area of research in neural
networks and image/signal processing with many potential
applications. It originated in France in the late 80's and since
then there has continued to be a strong and growing interest in
the field. Blind signal processing problems can be classified into
three areas: (1) blind signal separation of sources and/or
independent component analysis (ICA), (2) blind channel
identification and (3) blind deconvolution and blind equalization.
These areas will be addressed in this workshop. See the objectives
below for further details.
The main objectives of this workshop are to:
Give presentations by experts in the field on the state of the art
in this exciting area of research.
Compare the performance of recently developed adaptive
un-supervised learning algorithms for neural networks.
Discuss issues surrounding prospective applications and the
suitability of current neural network models. Hence we seek to
provide a forum for better understanding current limitations of
neural network models.
Examine issues surrounding local, online adaptive learning
algorithms and their robustness and biologically plausibility or
Discuss issues concerning effective computer simulation programs.
Discuss open problems and perspectives for future research in this
Especially, we intend to discuss the following items:
1. Criteria for blind separation and blind deconvolution problems
(both for time and frequency domain approaches)
2. Natural (or relative) gradient approach to blind signal
3. Neural networks for blind separation of time delayed and
convolved signals.
4. On line adaptive learning algorithms for blind signal
processing with variable learning rate (learning of learning
5.Open problems, e.g. dynamic on-line determination of number of
sources (more sources than sensors), influence of noise,
robustness of algorithms, stability, convergence, identifiability,
non-causal, non-stationary dynamic systems .
6. Applications in different areas of science and engineering,
e.g., non-invasive medical diagnosis (EEG, ECG),
telecommunication, voice recognition problems, image processing
and enhancement.
Workshop Schedule
A Review of Blind Signal Processing: Results and Open Issues
Andrzej Cichocki and Andrew Back
Brain Information Processing Group,
Frontier Research Program RIKEN, Japan
Natural Gradient in Blind Separation and Deconvolution - Information
Geometrical Approach
Schun-ichi Amari
Brain Information Processing Group,
Frontier Research Program RIKEN, Japan
Entropic Contrasts for Blind Source Separation
Jean-Francois Cardoso
Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris, France
Coffee Break/Discussion Time
Several Theorems on Information Theoretic Independent Component
Lei Xu. J. Ruan and Shun-ichi Amari
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Brain Information Processing Group, FRP, Riken, Japan
From Neural PCA to Neural ICA
Erkki Oja, Juha Karhunen and Aapo Hyvarinen
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Local Adaptive Algorithms and their Convergence Analysis for
Decorrelation and Blind Equalization/Deconvolution
Scott Douglas and Andrzej Cichocki
Department of EE, University of Utah, USA
FRP Riken, Japan
Negentropy and Kurtosis as Projection Pursuit Indices Provide
Generalized ICA Algorithms
Mark Girolami and Colin Fyfe
The University of Paisley, Scotland
Bussgang Methods for Separation of Multipath Mixtures
Russel Lambert
Dept of Electrical Engineering
University of South California, USA
Discussion Time
Blind Signal Separation by Output Decorrelation
Dominic C.B. Chan, Simon J. Goodsil and Peter J.W. Rayner
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Temporal Decorrelation Using Teacher Forcing Anti-Hebbian Learning and
its Application in Adaptive Blind Source Separation
Jose C. Principe, Chuan Wang, and Hsiao-Chun Wu
University of Florida, USA
A Direct Adaptive Blind Equalizer for Multi-Channel Transmission
Seungjin Choi and Ruey-wen Liu
University of Notre Dame, USA
Coffee Break/Discussion Time
IIR Filters for Blind Deconvolution Using Information Maximization
Kari Torkkola
Motorola Phoenix Corporate Research, USA
Information Maximization and Independent Component Analysis: Is there a
difference ?
D. Obradovic and G. Deco
Siemens AG,
Coporate Research and Development, Germany
Convergence Properties of Cichocki's Extension of the Herault-Jutten
Source Separation Neural Network
Yannick Deville
Laboratoires d'Electronique Philips S.A.S. (LEP) France
Independent Component Analysis of EEG and ERP Data
Tzyy-Ping Jung, Scott Makeig, Anthony J. Bell and Terrence J. Sejnowski
Computational Neurobiology Laboratory
The Salk Institute, CNL, USA
Blind separation of delayed and convolved sources - the problem
Tony Bell and Te-Won Lee
Computational Neurobiology Laboratory
The Salk Institute, CNL, USA
Information Back-propagation for Blind Separation of Sources from
Non-linear Mixture
Howard H. Yang, Shun-ichi Amari and Andrzej Cichocki
Brain Information Processing Group, FRP, RIKEN, Japan
Discussion Time
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