CIFEr'97 deadline extension

Payman Arabshahi payman at
Mon Nov 4 23:14:08 EST 1996

!!!! Deadline for submission of summaries has been extended to December 2 !!!!

                               IEEE/IAFE 1997
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 			    Visit us on the web at

 ------------------------------------	  ------------------------------------

           Call for Papers		  Conference Topics

     Conference on Computational	  ------------------------------------
     Intelligence for Financial			
             Engineering		  Topics in which papers, panel
					  sessions, and tutorial proposals are
               (CIFEr)			  invited include, but are not limited
					  to, the following:
  Crowne Plaza Manhattan, New York		
                City			  Financial Engineering Applications:

          March 23-25, 1997		     * Risk Management
					     * Pricing of Structured
              Sponsors:			       Securities
  The IEEE Neural Networks Council,	     * Asset Allocation
  The International Association of	     * Trading Systems	
         Financial Engineers		     * Forecasting
					     * Hedging Strategies
 The IEEE/IAFE CIFEr Conference is	     * Risk Arbitrage
 the third annual collaboration		     * Exotic Options
 between the professional engineering
 and financial communities, and is	  Computer & Engineering Applications
 one of the leading forums for new	  & Models:
 technologies and applications in the
 intersection of computational		     * Neural Networks
 intelligence and financial		     * Probabilistic Modeling/Inference
 engineering. Intelligent		     * Fuzzy Systems and Rough Sets 
 computational systems have become	     * Genetic and Dynamic Optimization
 indispensable in virtually all		     * Intelligent Trading Agents
 financial applications, from		     * Trading Room Simulation
 portfolio selection to proprietary	     * Time Series Analysis
 trading to risk management.		     * Non-linear Dynamics


       Instructions for Authors, Special Sessions, Tutorials, & Exhibits


 All summaries and proposals for tutorials, panels and special sessions must
 be received by the conference Secretariat at Meeting Management by December
 2, 1996. Our intentions are to publish a book with the best selection of
 papers accepted.

 Authors (For Conference Oral Sessions)

 One copy of the Extended Summary (not exceeding four pages of 8.5 inch by 11
 inch size) must be received by Meeting Management by December 2, 1996.
 Centered at the top of the first page should be the paper's complete title,
 author name(s), affiliation(s), and mailing addresses(es). Fonts no smaller
 than 10 pt should be used. Papers must report original work that has not
 been published previously, and is not under consideration for publication
 elsewhere. In the letter accompanying the submission, the following
 information should be included:

    * Topic(s)
    * Full title of paper
    * Corresponding Author's name
    * Mailing address
    * Telephone and fax
    * E-mail (if available)
    * Presenter (If different from corresponding author, please provide name,
      mailing address, etc.)

 Authors will be notified of acceptance of the Extended Summary by January
 10, 1997. Complete papers (not exceeding seven pages of 8.5 inch by 11 inch
 size) will be due by February 14, 1997, and will be published in the
 conference proceedings.


 Special Sessions
 A limited number of special sessions will address subjects within the
 topical scope of the conference. Each special session will consist of from
 four to six papers on a specific topic. Proposals for special sessions will
 be submitted by the session organizer and should include:

    * Topic(s)
    * Title of Special Session
    * Name, address, phone, fax, and email of the Session Organizer
    * List of paper titles with authors' names and addresses
    * One page of summaries of all papers

 Notification of acceptance of special session proposals will be on January
 10, 1997. If a proposal for a special session is accepted, the authors will
 be required to submit a camera ready copy of their paper for the conference
 proceedings by February 14, 1997.
 Panel Proposals
 Proposals for panels addressing topics within the technical scope of the
 conference will be considered. Panel organizers should describe, in two
 pages or less, the objective of the panel and the topic(s) to be addressed.
 Panel sessions should be interactive with panel members and the audience and
 should not be a sequence of paper presentations by the panel members. The
 participants in the panel should be identified. No papers will be published
 from panel activities. Notification of acceptance of panel session proposals
 will be on January 10, 1997.


 Tutorial Proposals

 Proposals for tutorials addressing subjects within the topical scope of the
 conference will be considered. Proposals for tutorials should describe, in
 two pages or less, the objective of the tutorial and the topic(s) to be
 addressed. A detailed syllabus of the course contents should also be
 included. Most tutorials will be four hours, although proposals for longer
 tutorials will also be considered. Notification of acceptance of tutorial
 proposals will be on January 10, 1997.

 Exhibit Information
 Businesses with activities related to financial engineering, including
 software & hardware vendors, publishers and academic institutions, are
 invited to participate in CIFEr's exhibits. Further information about the
 exhibits can be obtained from the CIFEr-secretariat, Barbara Klemm.

 Contact Information			   Sponsors

 More information on registration and	   Sponsorship for CIFEr'97 
 the program will be provided as soon	   is being provided by the IAFE 
 as it becomes available. For further	   (International Association of
 details, please contact		   Financial Engineers) and the IEEE
					   Neural Networks Council. The IEEE
 Barbara Klemm				   (Institute of Electrical and
 CIFEr'97 Secretariat			   Electronics Engineers) is the
 Meeting Management			   world's largest engineering and
 IEEE/IAFE Computational Intelligence	   computer science professional
 for Financial Engineering		   non-profit association and sponsors
 2603 Main Street, Suite # 690		   hundreds of technical conferences
 Irvine, California 92714		   and publications annually. The IAFE
					   is a professional non-profit
 Tel: (714) 752-8205 or 		   financial association with members
      (800) 321-6338			   worldwide specializing in new
                   	  		   financial product design, derivative
 Fax: (714) 752-7444			   structures, risk management
                                    	   strategies, arbitrage techniques,
 Email: Meetingmgt at          	   and application of computational
 Web:	   techniques to finance.


 Payman Arabshahi			   
 CIFEr'97 Organizational Chair		   Tel: (206) 644-8026
 Dept. Electrical Eng./Box 352500  	   Fax: (206) 543-3842
 University of Washington			
 Seattle, WA 98195			   Email: payman at


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