Tagliaferri Roberto robtag at dia.unisa.it
Thu May 9 04:53:42 EDT 1996

IIASS "Eduardo R. Caianiello", Vietri sul Mare (SA) ITALY

23 - 25 May 1996


Thursday 23 May

9:30 - A Microelectronic Retinal Implant for the Blind
J. Wyatt (Invited Talk)

Mathematical Models

10:30 - Neural Networks for the Classification of Structures
A. Sperduti & A. Starita

10:50 - A New Incremental Learning Technique
N.  Dunkin, J. Shawe-Taylor & P. Koiran

11:10 - A Bayesian Framework for Associative Memories
E.R. Hancock & M. Pelillo

11:30 - Coffee Break

12:00 - Cultural Evolution in a Population of Neural Networks
D. Denaro & D. Parisi

Pattern Recognition

12:20 - Computational Intelligence in Electromagnetics
F.C. Morabito

12:40 - The Modulate Asynchronous Information Arrangement (M.A.I.A.) for the
Learning of Non Supervisioned Neural Network Applied to Compression 
and Decompression of Images
G. Pappalardo, D. Rosaci & G.M.L. Sarne'

13:00 - Neuro-Fuzzy Processing of Remote Sensed Data
P. Blonda, A. Bennardo & G. Satalino

13:20 - A Generalized Regularization Network for Remote Sensing Data
M. Ceccarelli & A. Petrosino

13:40 - Lunch

15:30 - Virtual reality and neural nets
N.A. Borghese (Review Talk)

Pattern Recognition

16:30 - Age Estimates of Stellar Systems by Artificial Neural Networks
L. Pulone & R. Scaramella

16:50 - The use of Neural Networks for the Automatic Detection and
Classification of Weak Photometric  Sub-Components in Early-Type Galaxies
M. Capaccioli, G. Di Sciascio, G. Longo, G. Richter & R. Tagliaferri

17:10 - A Hybrid Neural Network Architecture for Dynamic Scenes
A.  Chella, S. Gaglio & M. Frixione

17:30 - Coffee Break

Architectures and Algorithms

18:00 - Fast Spline Neural Networks for Image Compression
F. Piazza, S. Smerli, A. Uncini, M. Griffo & R. Zunino

18:20 - A Novel Hypothesis on Cortical Map: Topological Continuity
F. Frisone, V. Sanguineti & P. Morasso

Friday 24 May

9:30 - Models of biological vision as powerful analogue spatio-temporal filters
for dynamical image processing including motion and colour
J. Herault (Invited Talk)


10:30 - Neural Nets for Hybrid on-line Plant Control
M. Barbarino, S. Bruzzo & A.M. Colla

10:50 - Using Fuzzy Logic to Solve Optimization Problems by Hopfield Neural
S. Cavalieri & M. Russo

11:10 - Spectral Mapping: a Comparison of Connectionist Approaches
E.  Trentin, D. Giuliani & C. Furlanello

11:30 - Coffee Break

Architectures and Algorithms

12:00 - Constructive Fuzzy Neural Networks
F.M. Frattale Mascioli, G. Martinelli & G.M. Varzi

12:20 - Some Comments and Experimental Results on Bayesian Regularization
M. de Bollivier & D. Perrotta

12:40 - Recent Results in On-line Prediction and Boosting
N. Cesa Bianchi & S. Panizza (Review Talk)

13:40 - Lunch
15:00 - Poster Session

16:00 - Eduardo R. Caianiello Lectures:
- T. Parisini (winner of the 1995 E.R. Caianiello Fellowship Award) 
Neural Nonlinear Controllers and Observers: Stability Results
- P. Frasconi (winner of the 1996 E.R. Caianiello Fellowship Award)
Input/Output Hmms for sequence processing

17:00 - Annual S.I.R.E.N. Meeting 

20:00 - Conference Dinner

Saturday 25 May

9:30 - Title to be announced
L.B. Almeida (Invited Talk)

Architectures and Algorithms

10:30 - FIR NNs and Temporal BP: Implementation on the Meiko CS-2
A. d'Acierno, W. Ripullone & S. Palma

10:50 - Fast Training of Recurrent Neural Networks by the Recursive Least
Squares Method
R. Parisi, E.D. Di Claudio, A. Rapagnetta & G. Orlandi

11:10 - A Unification of Genetic Algorithms, Neural Networks and Fuzzy
Logic: the GANNFL Approach
M. Schmidt

11:30 - Coffee Break

12:00 - A Learning Strategy which Increases Partial Fault Tolerance of
Neural Nets
S. Cavalieri & O. Mirabella

12:20 - Off-Chip Training of Analog Hardware Feed-Forward Neural Networks
Through Hyper - Floating Resilient Propagation
G.M. Bollano, M. Costa, D. Palmisano & E. Pasero

12:40 - A Reconfigurable Analog VLSI Neural Network Architecture
G.M. Bo, D.D. Caviglia, M. Valle, R. Stratta & E. Trucco

13:00 - An Adaptable Boolean Neural Net Trainable to Comment on its own
F.E. Lauria, M. Sette & S. Visco


 - The Computational Neural Map and its Capacity
F. Palmieri & D. Mattera (Mathematical models)

 - Proposal of a Darwin-Neural Network for a Robot Implementation
C.  Domeniconi (Robotica)

 - Solving Algebraic and Geometrical Problems Using Neural Networks
M.  Ferraro & T. Caelli

 - Simulation of Traffic Flows in Transportation Networks with Non
Supervisioned MAIA Neural  Network
G.  Pappalardo, M.N. Postorino, D. Rosaci & G.M.L. Sarne'

 - FIR NNs and Time Series Prediction: Applications to Stock Market=
A. d'Acierno, W. Ripullone & S. Palma

 - Verso la Previsione a Breve Scadenza della Visibilita' Metereologica
Attraverso una Rete Neurale a Back-Propagation: Ottimizzazione del Modello
per Casi di Nebbia
A.  Pasini & S. Potesta'

 - Are Multilayer Perceptrons Adequate for Pattern Recognition and=
M.  Gori & R. Scarselli

 - Proof of the Universal Approximation of a Set of Fuzzy Functions
F. Masulli, M. Marinaro & D. Oricchio

 - An Integrated Neural and Algorithmic System for Optical Flow Computation
A.  Criminisi, M. Gioiello, D. Molinelli & F. Sorbello

 - A Mlp-Based Digit and Uppercase Characters Recognition System
M. Gioiello, E. Martire, F. Sorbello & G. Vassallo

 - Neural Network Fuzzification: Critical Review of the Fuzzy Learning
Vector Quantization Model
A.  Baraldi & F. Parmiggiani

The registration is of 300.000 Italian Lire ( 250.000 Italian Lire for 
SIREN members) and can be made on site.
More information can be found in the www pages at the address below:

Hotel Information - 1996

We are glad to inform you about the Hotel prizes of the Hotels near the
International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies.
The reservation must be made directly to the Hotels at least 20 days
before the arrival date.

LLOYD'S BAIA HOTEL - Vietri sul Mare - tel. 089-210145 - fax 089-210186
cat. ****

Including Breakfast	 Half board*	             Full board*
Single room Double room  Single room Double room     Single room Double room
L. 140.000  L. 185.000   L. 160.000  L. 130.000 p.p. L. 185.000  L. 155.000 p.p.

* Including drinks (1/4 wine and 1/2 mineral water for each lunch)

HOTEL PLAZA - P.zza Ferrovia - Salerno - tel. 089-224477 - fax. 089-237311
cat. ***

Without Breakfast	 Including Breakfast
Single room Double room  Single room Double room 
L. 75.000   L. 110.000   L. 85.000   L. 130.000

HOTEL RAITO - Raito (Vietri sul Mare - 10' bus) - tel. 089-210033 - fax
089-211434  cat. ****

Including Breakfast      Half board                  Full board 
Single room Double room  Single room Double room     Single room Double room
L. 130.000  L. 200.000   L. 170.000  L. 140.000 p.p. L. 200.000  L. 180.000 p.p.

HOTEL LA LUCERTOLA - Marina di Vietri s/m (200 mt. from IIASS) - tel.
089-210837/8 cat.***

Including Breakfast      Half board*                 Full board*
Single room Double room  Single room Double room     Single room Double room
L. 75.000   L. 100.000   L. 95.000   L.90.000 p.p.   L. 110.000  L. 100.000 p.p.

* Including drinks (1/4 wine and 1/2 mineral water for each lunch)

HOTEL BRISTOL - Marina di Vietri s/m (200 mt. from IIASS) - tel. 089-210216
cat. ***

Including Breakfast      Half board*                 Full board*
Single room Double room  Single room Double room     Single room Double room
L. 79.000   L. 105.000   L. 100.000  L. 90.000 p.p.  L. 110.000  L. 100.000 p.p.

* Including drinks (1/4 wine and 1/2 mineral water for each lunch)

HOTEL VIETRI - Marina di Vietri s/m (200 mt. from IIASS) - tel.
089-761644/210400   cat. **

Including Breakfast      Half board*                 Full board*
Single room Double room  Single room Double room     Single room Double room
L. 57.000   L. 85.000    L. 80.000   L. 70.000 p.p.  L. 90.000   L. 80.000 p.p.

* Including drinks (1/4 wine and 1/2 mineral water for each lunch)

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