looking for latest artistic/musical applications
ptodd at mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de
Thu Mar 28 11:26:17 EST 1996
We are putting together a new book on the artistic and musical uses of
connectionist systems, including psychological modeling, artistic creation,
etc., and we would like everyone's help in making this work as complete as
possible. The book will be based on the special issue of Connection Science
we edited on this topic (1994), and will include new articles as well. For
our revised introduction, we are seeking references and papers on the latest
research in this area, so we can provide a more accurate survey of what's out
there. Unpublished research projects are also of interest. We have collected
references to all of the work that is currently known to us (including the
tables of contents of the Connection Science issue and of the 1991 MIT Press
book, Music and Connectionism), and we are making this available via anonymous
ftp in the following file:
host: ftp canetoad.mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de (with login name "anonymous" and
your email address as password)
directory: cd /pub/science/ptodd
file: get references.txt (plain text)
If you have any new pointers or suggestions in these area, please send them to
us at the email addresses below. We will make available the table of contents
of the new book when that has been finalized, as well as the list of research
we compile beforehand. Thanks for your distributed help--
Peter Todd (ptodd at mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de)
Niall Griffith (ngr at atlas.ex.ac.uk)
' `.
: Peter M. Todd :
: Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research :
: Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition :
: Leopoldstrasse 24 :
: 80802 Munich GERMANY :
: :
: Email: ptodd at mpipf-muenchen.mpg.de :
: Phone: (049) (89) 38 602 236 :
: Fax: (049) (89) 38 602 252 :
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