NNSK deadline extension
Alessandro Sperduti
perso at DI.Unipi.IT
Thu Mar 21 06:12:07 EST 1996
sorry for duplicated messages (if any...)
** E X T E N D E D D E A D L I N E **
Neural Networks and Structured Knowledge
Call for Contributions
ECAI '96 Workshop
to be held on August 12/13, 1996 during the
12th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
from August 12-16, 1996 in Budapest, Hungary
**************** N E W S C H E D U L E ****************
Submission deadline April 3, 1996
Notification of acceptance/rejection May 2, 1996
Final version of papers due May 24, 1996
Deadline for participation
without paper June 15, 1996
Date of the workshop August 12/13, 1996
FOR MORE INFO: http://www.informatik.uni-ulm.de/fakultaet/abteilungen/ni/ECAI-96/NNSK/NNSK.html
** E X T E N D E D D E A D L I N E **
Alessandro Sperduti
Dipartimento di Informatica,
Corso Italia 40, Phone: +39-50-887264
56125 Pisa, Fax: +39-50-887226
ITALY E-mail: perso at di.unipi.it
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