NICROSP'96 - call for participation
Vincenzo Piuri
piuri at
Mon Mar 18 14:32:31 EST 1996
1996 International Workshop on Neural Networks for Identification, Control,
Robotics, and Signal/Image Processing
Ramada Hotel, Venice, Italy - 21-23 August 1996
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE CS Technical Committee on
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
In cooperation with: ACM SIGART, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE
Control Systems Society, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, IEEE
Neural Network Council, IEEE North-Italy Section, IEEE Region 8, IEEE System,
Man, and Cybernetics Society, IMACS, ISCA, AEI, AICA, ANIPLA, FAST.
This first edition of the workshop is directed to create a unique synergetic
discussion forum and a strong link between theoretical researchers and
practitioners in the application fields of identification, control, robotics,
and signal/image processing by using neural techniques. The three-days
single-session schedule will provide the ideal environment for in-depth analysis
and discussions concerning the theoretical aspects of the applications and the
use of neural networks in the practice.
Two keynote speakers (prof. T. Kohonen and prof. B. Widrow) will provide
starting points for the discussion.
General Chair: Prof. Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio
Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA
Program Chair: Prof. Vincenzo Piuri
Department of Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Publication Chair: Dr. Jose' Pineda de Gyvez
Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA
Publicity, Registration & Local Arrangment Chair: Dr. Cesare Alippi
Department of Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Workshop Secretariat: Ms. Laura Caldirola (email caldirol at
Department of Electronics and Information, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Program Committee
Shun-Ichi Amari, University of Tokyo, Japan
Panos Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame, USA
Magdy Bayoumi, University of Southwestern Louisiana, USA
James C. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA
Pierre Borne, Ecole Politechnique de Lille, France
Luiz Caloba, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jill Card, Digital Equipment Corp., USA
Chris De Silva, University of Western Australia, Australia
Laurene Fausett, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
C. Lee Giles, NEC, USA
Karl Goser, University of Dortmund, Germany
Yee-Wei Huang, Motorola Inc., USA
Simon Jones, University of Loughborough, UK
Michael Jordan, Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA
Robert J. Marks II, University of Washington, USA
Jean D. Nicoud, EPFL, Switzerland
Eros Pasero, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Emil M. Petriu, University of Ottawa, Canada
Alberto Prieto, University of Granada, Spain
Gianguido Rizzotto, SGS-Thomson, Italy
Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio, A&M University, USA
Bernd Schuermann, Siemens, Germany
Earl E. Swartzlander, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Philip Treleaven, University College London, UK
Kenzo Watanabe, Shizuoka University, Japan
Michel Weinfeld, Ecole Politechnique de Paris, France
The conference location is on the mainland of Venice, Italy. The workshop will
be held in the Ramada Hotel, in S. Giuliano, near the International Airport of
Venice. A number of rooms has been reserved at the Ramada Hotel for the NICROSP
attendees at the special rates shown in the Hotel Reservation Form. This
American-style hotel is fully equipped to provide a high comfort during the
whole stay. Buffet breakfast is included in the hotel rates. Lunches are
included in the registration fee for registered attendees, as well as coffee
breaks, entrance to sessions, and one copy of the proceedings. Additional lunch
tickets for companions may be purchased at the registration desk.
Hotel reservation must be made directly with the Ramada Hotel at S. Giuliano -
Venice by sending the Hotel Reservation Form (fax is preferred). Reservations
can be also made by contacting any other Ramada Reservation Center around the
world and mentioning the special rates for the NICROSP conference.
Reservation deadline is June 21, 1996. After this date, the hotel will not be
able to guarantee room's availability; should the hotel be completely booked,
Ramada will suggest equivalent accomodations in nearby hotels.
Disable persons should contact the hotel for possible special requirements.
Ramada Hotel grants the same workshop rates from August 16 till August 26.
Venice is served by an International Airport (about 15 minutes by car from the
Ramada Hotel). Flights are daily available from most European towns and from
some US cities.
A special shuttle service for NICROSP attendees may be organized by the Ramada
Hotel from/to the airport: since the shuttle fare is fixed and independent from
the number of passengers, attendees should contact the Ramada Hotel to
coordinate car pools.
At the airport it is possible to rent a car to reach the Ramada Hotel (guest
parking is available within the hotel). Maps and directions are available at
the car rentals.
Taxi cabs are also available; typical fare from the airport to the Ramada Hotel
is approximately 40,000 Italian Liras.
Venice has good and frequent international rail connections. Use the Mestre
station (every train stops there). Taxi cabs are available at the station exit;
typical fare is approximately 20,000 Italian Liras.
If you decide to drive to the workshop site, ask for a map at the workshop
secretariat: leave the highway to Venice at the Mestre-Est exit or at the
Mestre-Ovest exit and, then, follow the map. Guest parking is available within
the hotel.
The entrance to downtown Venice (piazzale Roma) may be reached by a shuttle
service for hotel guests (provided by Ramada Hotel at scheduled times), by
public bus (also available at scheduled times), or by taxi cabs. Public boats
for downtown Venice and for the laguna islands leave from piazzale Roma.
Additional information and time scheduling for transportations between the
Ramada Hotel and downtown Venice will be provided at the workshop registration
desk or at the hotel reception.
It will be available after 8 April 1996. Ask it at the workshop secretariat.
For any problem or further information, contact the workshop secretariat by
July 26. After this date, contact prof. Vincenzo Piuri by email only (email
piuri at
Please: Return this form as soon as possible (fax is preferred) to:
via Orlanda 4, I-30173 S. Giuliano, Venezia, Italy
Fax +39-41-5312278
Reservation deadline is June 21, 1996. After this date, the hotel will not be
able to guarantee room's availability; should the hotel be completely booked,
Ramada will suggest equivalent accomodations in nearby hotels.
Last / First Name_______________________________________________________________
Please reserve the following accomodations:
o No. __ Single room(s) at 162,000 Italian Liras
o No. __ Double room(s) at 262,000 Italian Liras
o No. __ Twin room(s) at 262,000 Italian Liras
Cross the preferred accomodation and insert the number of rooms that you are
reserving for each type (otherwise, one is assumed for each cross).
Room rates are per night and include buffet breakfast.
Arrival date and approximate time:______________________________________________
Departure date and approximate time:____________________________________________
Number of nights:_______________________________________________________________
For late arrival, please give credit card information:
o Eurocard o MasterCard o Access o VISA
Credit Card Number_________________________________________Valid until__________
Card Holder (Last/First Name)___________________________________________________
Please: Return this form as soon as possible by fax or mail (email is not
accepted) to the workshop's secretariat
Ms. Laura Caldirola
Politecnico di Milano, Department of Electronics and Information
Piazza L. da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
phone +39-2-2399-3623
fax +39-2-2399-3411
Last / First Name_______________________________________________________________
If received
Registration fee before 1 June after 1 June
o Member 320 US$ 385 US$
Member No.__________
o Non Member 400 US$ 480 US$
o Student (enclose copy of student identification card)
200 US$ 200 US$
o Banquet: No. ___ tickets at 70 US$ each: Total _________US$
Registration fees include entrance to sessions, one copy of the proceedings,
and coffee breaks.
Advance payment can be made by credit card:
o MasterCard o VISA o American Express
Credit Card Number __________________________________Valid until_____________
Card Holder (Last/First Name)________________________________________________
Total charged_______________________US$
On-site registration can be paid in Italian Lira or in US$ (daily exchange
rates - including bank exchange charge - will be provided at the registration
desk), by credit card or cash.
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