NICROSP'96 - deadline extension

Vincenzo Piuri piuri at
Sun Jan 28 03:34:32 EST 1996


                   * * * DEADLINE EXTENSION * * * 
Due to a delay in posting on some web servers, submission deadlines 
have been extended as follows:
one-page abstract for review assignment: by February 19th, 1996
extended summary or full paper for review: by March 3rd, 1996
For details see the following call for papers.

            1996 International Workshop on Neural Networks 
                for Identification, Control, Robotics, 
                    and Signal/Image Processing

                 Venice, Italy - 21-23 August 1996

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society and the IEEE CS Technical 
Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
In cooperation with: ACM SIGART, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 
IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Instrumentation and 
Measurement Society, IEEE Neural Network Council, IEEE North-Italy 
Section, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 
(pending), IEEE Signal Processing Society (pending), IEEE System, 
Man, and Cybernetics Society, IMACS, INNS (pending), ISCA, AEI, AICA, 

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

This workshop is directed to create a unique synergetic discussion 
forum and a strong link between theoretical researchers and 
practitioners in the application fields of identification, control, 
robotics, and signal/image processing by using neural techniques. 
The three-days single-session schedule will provide the ideal 
environment for in-depth analysis and discussions concerning the 
theoretical aspects of the applications and the use of neural 
networks in the practice. Invited talks in each area will provide 
a starting point for the discussion and give the state of the art 
in the corresponding field. Panels will provide an interactive

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers 
concerning theoretical foundations of neural computation, 
experimental results or practical applications related to the 
specific workshop's areas.
Interested authors should submit a half-page abstract to the 
program chair by e-mail or fax by February 19, 1996, for review 
planning. Then, an extended summary or the full paper (limited 
to 20 double-spaced pages including figures and tables) must be 
sent to the program chair by March 3, 1996 (PostScript email 
submission is strongly encouraged). Submissions should contain: 
the corresponding author, affiliation, complete address, fax, 
email, and the preferred workshop track (identification, control, 
robotics, signal processing, image processing). 
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors 
to register, attend the workshop and present the paper. Papers' 
selection is based on the full paper: the corresponding author 
will be notified by March 30, 1996. The camera-ready version, 
limited to 10 one-column IEEE-book-standard pages, is due 
by May 1, 1996. Proceedings will be published by the IEEE 
Computer Society Press. The extended version of selected papers 
will be considered for publication in special issues of
international journals.

General Chair
Prof. Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio
Department of Electrical Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3128 USA
phone (409) 845-7498
fax (409) 845-7161
email sanchez at

Program Chair
Prof. Vincenzo Piuri
Department of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano
piazza L. da Vinci 32, I-20133 Milano, Italy
phone +39-2-2399-3606
fax +39-2-2399-3411
email piuri at

Publication Chair
Dr. Jose' Pineda de Gyvez
Department of Electrical Engineering
Texas A&M University

Publicity, Registr. & Local Arrangment Chair
Dr. Cesare Alippi
Department of Electronics and Information
Politecnico di Milano

Workshop Secretariat
Ms. Laura Caldirola
Department of Electronics and
Politecnico di Milano
phone +39-2-2399-3623
fax +39-2-2399-3411
email caldirol at

Program Committee (preliminary list)
Shun-Ichi Amari, University of Tokyo, Japan
Panos Antsaklis, Univ. Notre Dame, USA
Magdy Bayoumi, University of Southwestern Louisiana, USA
James C. Bezdek, University of West Florida, USA 
Pierre Borne, Ecole Politechnique de Lille, France
Luiz Caloba, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Jill Card, Digital Equipment Corporation, USA
Chris De Silva, University of Western Australia, Australia
Laurene Fausett, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
C. Lee Giles, NEC, USA
Karl Goser, University of Dortmund, Germany
Simon Jones, University of Loughborough, UK
Michael Jordan, Massachussets Institute of Technology, USA
Robert J. Marks II, University of Washington, USA
Jean D. Nicoud, EPFL, Switzerland
Eros Pasero, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Emil M. Petriu, University of Ottawa, Canada
Alberto Prieto, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Gianguido Rizzotto, SGS-Thomson, Italy
Edgar Sanchez-Sinencio, A&M University, USA
Bernd Schuermann, Siemens, Germany
Earl E. Swartzlander, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Philip Treleaven, University College London, UK
Kenzo Watanabe, Shizuoka University, Japan
Michel Weinfeld, Ecole Politechnique de Paris, France


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