Neural Computation 8:1
Terry Sejnowski
terry at
Mon Jan 8 15:52:05 EST 1996
NEURAL COMPUTATION Vol 8, Issue 1, January 1996
Lower Bounds for the Computational Power of Networks of Spiking Neurons
Wolfgang Maass
A Short Proof of the Posterior Probability Property of Classifier Neural
Raul Rojas
Coding of Time-Varying Signals in Spike Trains of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
with Random Threshold
Fabrizio Gabbiani and Christof Koch
A Simple Spike Train Decoder Inspired by the Sampling Theorem
William B Levy and David A. August
A Model of Spatial Map Formation in the Hippocampus of the Rat
Kenneth I. Blum and L. F. Abbott
A Neural Model of Olfactory Sensory Memory in the Honeybee's Antennal Lobe
Christiane Linster and Claudine Masson
A Spherical Basis Function Neural Network for Modeling Auditory Space
Rick L. Jenison and Kate Fissell
On The Convergence Properties of the Em Algorithm for Gaussian Mixtures
Lei Xu and Michael I. Jordan
A Comparison of Some Error Estimates for Neural Network Models
Robert Tibshirani
Neural Networks for Optimal Approximation of Smooth and Analytic Functions
H. N. Mhaskar
Equivalence of Boltzmann Chains and Hidden Markov Models
David J. C. MacKay
Diagrammatic Derivation of Gradient Alforithms for Neural Network
Eric A Wan and Francoise Beaufays
Does Extra Knowledge Necessarily Improve Generalization
David Barber and David Saad
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