EANN96 Conference
Dimitris Tsaptsinos
ma_s435 at crystal.king.ac.uk
Tue Apr 23 10:23:51 EDT 1996
International Conference on
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
(EANN '96)
King's College London
Strand campus, London, England
June 17--19, 1996
The International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural
Networks (EANN '96) is the second conference in the series.
The conference is a forum for presenting the latest results on neural
network applications in technical fields. 156 papers from over 20
countries have been accepted for oral presentation after a review of
the abstracts. Some more information on the conference EANN '96 is
available on the world wide web site at http://www.lpac.ac.uk/EANN96,
and on EANN '95 at http://www.abo.fi/~abulsari/EANN95.html
Conference secretariat
E-mail address : eann96 at lpac.ac.uk
Address : EANN '96, c/o Dr. D. Tsaptsinos, Kingston University,
Mathematics, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE, UK.
Fax: +44 181 5477419
Organisers and co-sponsors
Systems Engineering Association
IEEE UK Regional Interest Group on Neural Networks
London Parallel Applications Centre
Neural CCS Ltd.
IEE (British Institution of Electrical Engineers) Professional Group C4
Conference chairmen:
Abhay Bulsari and Dimitris Tsaptsinos
Registration information
The conference fee is sterling (GBP) 360. The conference fee can be
paid by a bank cheque or a bank draft (no personal cheques) payable to
EANN '96, to be sent to EANN '96, c/o Dr. D. Tsaptsinos, Kingston
University, Mathematics, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE, UK. The
fee includes attendance to the conference and the proceedings.
Registration form can be sent to you by e-mail and you may return it
by e-mail (or post or fax) once the conference fee has been sent. A
registration form sent before the payment of the conference fee is not
valid. For more information, please ask eann96 at lpac.ac.uk
The tentative program outline is as on the following page. The
detailed program will be prepared in the end of April.
International Conference on
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks
(EANN '96)
Room A Room B
Monday, 17 June
0800 Registration
0830 Opening
0845 Vision (1) Control Systems (1)
1200 --- lunch break ---
1330 Vision (2) Control Systems (2)
1630 Discussion session on Vision Discussion session on Control
Tuesday, 18 June
0830 Biomedical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
1200 --- lunch break ---
1330 Process Engineering Robotics
1500 Chemical Engineering
1630 Discussion session on Chemical Engineering
Wednesday, 19 June
0830 Speech and signal processing Metallurgical Engineering
1030 Classification systems Discussion session on Metallurgy
1200 --- lunch break ---
1330 Hardware Applications General Applications
1600 Hybrid systems
1800 Closing
The indicated times are approximate and changes are still possible.
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