Modular NN

Bernardo Morcego bernardo at
Tue Mar 7 18:12:46 EST 1995

Dear connectionists,

	We are interested in the study and developement of Modular
Artificial Neural Networks. Our aim is to study the influence of the 
interaction between modules in the learning process and show the beneffits 
of building networks using Neural Modules. We use the resulting archi-
tectures in non-linear dynamic systems identification. 

	We found several applications in which the use of modules was 
carried out in a building block fashion: each module had a complex
function to learn and, after training, was assembled with the others.
But this is not exactly what we are interested in. Our object is the
design of neural network modules and the study of their relationships
and the bibliography we were able to find is given at the end of this

We would be very grateful if anyone aware of related work could 
send us any pointer.

All recieved replies will be collected and summarized.

Thanks in advance,

Bernardo Morcego  (ESAII)
FIB - Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya   FAX: (34-3) 401 70 40
c/Pau Gargallo 5                             Tel: (34-3) 401 69 92
08028 Barcelona (Spain)                      email bernardo at

Y. Bennani, P. Gallinari, Task Decomposition Through a Modular Con-
   nectionist Architecture: a Talker Identification System, Artificial Neural
   Networks 2, I Aleksander and J. Taylor (Eds), Elsevier, 1992.
E.J.W Boers, H. Kuiper, Biological Metaphors and the Design of Modular
   Artificial Neural Networks, Master's Thesis, Leiden University, 1992.
F. Fogelman, E. Viennet, B. Lamy, Multi-Modular Neural Network Archi-
   tectures: Applications in Optical Character and Human Face Recognition,
   Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence vol 7,
   No 4: 721-755, 1993.
F. Gruau, D. Whitley, The Cellular Developmental of Neural Networks:
   the Interaction of Learning and Evolution, Ecole Normale Superieure
   de Lyon, Research Report 93-04, 1993.
B.L.M. Happel, J.M.J Murre, Designing Modular Network Architectures
   Using a Genetic Algorithm, Artificial Neural Networks 2, I Aleksander
   and J. Taylor (Eds), Elsevier, 1992.
R.A. Jacobs, Task Decomposition Through Competition in a Modular Con-
   nectionist Architecture, University of Massachusetts, COINS TR 90-44, 1990.
R.A. Jacobs and M.I. Jordan, Learning Piecewise Control Strategies in
   a Modular Neural Network Architecture, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man,
   and Cybernetics, Vol 23, No 2, 1993.
R. Miikkulainen and M.G. Dyer, Natural Language Processing with Modular
   PDP Networks and Distributed Lexicon, Cognitive Science 15(3): 343 - 
   399, 1991.
D.C. Plaut, Double Dissociation without Modularity: Evidence from
   Connectionist Neuropsychology, to appear in Journal of Clinical and
   Experimental Neuropsycology, 1994.
Frank Smieja, The Pandemonium System of Reflective Agents, 1993.
A. Waibel, Modular Construction of Time-Delay Neural Networks for
   Speech Recognition, Neural Computation 1, 39-46, 1989.

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