CNNA'96 Call for papers

4th Workshop on CNN's and Applications cnna96 at
Fri Jul 14 05:51:10 EDT 1995

                        PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS

                     4th IEEE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON



                              June 24-26, 1996

                       (Jointly Organized with NDES-96)

                  Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla
                     Centro Nacional de Microelectrnica
                                Sevilla, Spain


ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Prof. J.L. Huertas  (Chair)
                      Prof. A. Rodrguez-Vzquez
                      Prof. R. Domnguez-Castro

SECRETARY:            Dr.   S. Espejo

TECHNICAL PROGRAM:    Prof. A. Rodrguez-Vzquez

PROCEEDINGS:          Prof. R. Domnguez-Castro


     Prof. N.N. Aizemberg,   Univ. of Uzhgorod,             Ukrania
     Prof. L.O. Chua,        Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley,     U.S.A.
     Prof. V.   Cimagalli,   Univ. of Rome,                 Italy
     Prof. T.G. Clarkson,    Kings College of London,      U.K.
     Prof. A.S. Dmitriev,    Academy of Sciences,           Russia
     Prof. M.   Hasler,      EPFL,                          Switzerland
     Prof. J.   Herault,     Nat. Ins. of Tech.,            France
     Prof. J.L. Huertas,     Nat. Miroelectronics Center,   Spain
     Prof. S.   Jankowski,   Tech. Univ. of Warsaw,         Poland
     Prof. J.   Nossek,      Tech. Univ. Munich,            Germany
     Prof. V.   Porra,       Tech. Univ. of Helsinki,       Finland
     Prof. T.   Roska,       MTA-SZTAKI,                    Hungary
     Prof. M.   Tanaka,      Sophia Univ.,                  Japan
     Prof. J.   Vandewalle,  Kath. Univ. Leuven,            Belgium



The CNNA series of workshops aims to provide a biannual international
forum to present and discuss recent advances in Cellular Neural Networks.
Following the successful conferences in Budapest (1990), Munich (1992),
and Rome (1994), the fourth workshop will be held in Seville during 1996,
organized by the National Microelectronic Center and the School of
Engineering of Seville.

Seville, the capital of Andalusia, and site of the 1992 Universal
Exposition, combines a rich cultural heritage accumulated during its more
than 2500 years history with modern infrastructures in a stable and sunny
climate. It boasts a large, prestigious university, several high-technology
research centers of the Spanish Council of Research, and many cultural
attractions. It is linked to Madrid by high-speed train and has an
international airport serving several daily direct international flights,
as well as many connections to international flights via Madrid.


                            PAPERS SUBMISSION

Papers on all aspects of Cellular Neural Networks are welcome. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

      - Basic Theory 
      - Applications
      - Learning 
      - Software Implementations and CNN Simulators
      - CNN Computers
      - CNN Chips
      - CNN System Development and Testing

Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 pages summaries of their papers
to the Conference Secretariat. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to
deliver camera-ready versions of their full-papers for publication in an
IEEE-sponsored Proceedings.


                            AUTHOR'S SCHEDULE

          Submission of summaries: ................ January 31, 1996 
          Notification of acceptance: ............. March   31, 1996
          Submission of camera-ready papers: ...... May     15, 1996



                       Fourth IEEE Int. Workshop on
             Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications


                   Sevilla, Spain, June 24-26, 1996

I wish to attend the workshop. Please send Program and registration form
when available.

Name: ................______________________________
Mailing address: .....______________________________
Phone: ...............______________________________
Fax: ............. ...______________________________
E-mail: ..............______________________________

Please complete and return to:

                              CNNA'96 Secretariat.
                              Department of Analog Circuit Design,
                              Centro Nacional de Microelectrnica
                              Edif. CICA, Avda. Reina Mercedes s/n,
                              E-41012 Sevilla - SPAIN

                              FAX:    +34-5-4231832
                              Phone:  +34-5-4239923
                              E-mail: cnna96 at


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