Paper available

Shiro USUI usui at
Mon Jan 30 00:45:19 EST 1995

Dear Dr. G.Thimm,

We read your paper entitled "The Interchangeability of learning
rate and gain in backpropagation neural networks", and noticed that
the motivations and the results in your paper are very close to our
previous paper:

 Q. Jia, K. Hagiwara, N. Toda and S.Usui:"Equivalence relation between 
 the backpropagation learning process of FNN and That of an FNNG"
 (Letters to the Editor), Newral Networks, Vol.7, No.2, p.411 (1994),

 Q. Jia, N. Toda, K,Hagiwara and S. Usui:"An analysis of the error
 backpropagation learning algorithms with gain"(in Japanese)
 IEICE Trans.D-II, Vol.J77-D-II, No.4, pp.850-857 (1994).

We hardly find any essential new points in your present paper.  
Please refer to the above papers.

Shiro USUI ( usui at )
     Biological & Physiological Engineering Lab.
     Department of Information & Computer Sciences
     Toyohashi University of Technology
     Tel & Fax : +81-532-46-7806

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