Maureen Smith maureen at
Wed Jan 11 13:02:40 EST 1995

                            GLOVE-TALK II PROJECT
                            UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO
                        Geoffrey Hinton and Sidney Fels   
                          -----  VIDEO RELEASE  -----  

		           THE GLOVE-TALK II VIDEO  
A 31 minute video of the Glove-Talk II system developed by Sidney Fels
and Geoffrey Hinton at the University of Toronto is now available.
Glove-Talk II is an artifical vocal tract that converts hand movements
into speech in real time. The inputs come from two gloves, a polhemus
and a footpedal.  Neural networks are used to convert these inputs
into formant descriptions that are sent to a speech synthesizer at 100
frames per second. The neural nets adapt to the particular way in
which the user tries to produce target sounds during training
sessions.  The video shows the system in action for both rehearsed and
unrehearsed speech and describes in detail the neural networks that
are used.

To cover the costs of reproduction and distribution those wishing to
receive a copy of the video should send the following payment with
their order:

Addresses in Canada:      Personal check or money order payable to the
                          University of Toronto for 10 Canadian dollars

Addresses in USA:         Personal check or money order payable to the
                          University of Toronto  for 10 US dollars

Addresses anywhere else:  Money order for 20 Canadian dollars payable to the
                          University of Toronto (and specify PAL or NTSC)

Orders should be sent to Maureen Smith, 
                         Department of Computer Science,
                         6 King's College Road, Rm 271,
                         University of Toronto,
                         Toronto, Ontario
                         M5S 1A4
                         fax: 416-978-1455
                         e-mail: maureen at

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