EuroCOLT'95: Program & Registration Form
Paul.Vitanyi at
Fri Jan 6 13:19:20 EST 1995
%% MARCH 13-15, 1995, BARCELONA, SPAIN
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{\Large 2nd European Conference on} \\
{\huge\bf Computational Learning Theory} \\
{\huge\tt EuroCOLT'95} \\
{\large Sponsored by} \\[1ex]
{\Large EU-ESPRIT NeuroCOLT} \\
{\Large EATCS} \\
{\Large IFIP WG 14.2} \\
{\Large Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya} \\
{\large March 13 -- 15, 1995} \\
{\large Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya} \\
{\large Barcelona, Spain}
%%% The Technical Program
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{\large\bf PROGRAM}
Sunday, March 12, from 18:00 to 22:00
at the C\`atedra Gaud{\'\i}
{\bf SESSION 1:} Monday, March 13, Morning\\
Chair: Paul Vit\'anyi
{\em The discovery of algorithmic probability: A guide
for the programming of true creativity (Invited Lecture),}
R.J. Solomonoff (Oxbridge Research, USA)
{\em A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an
application to boosting},
Y. Freund, R.E. Schapire (AT\&T Bell Labs)
{\em Online learning versus offline learning},
S. Ben-David (Technion), E. Kushilevitz (Technion),
Y. Mansour (Tel Aviv Univ.)
{\bf SESSION 2:} Monday, March 13, Morning\\
Chair: Nicola Cesa-Bianchi
{\em Learning distributions by their density levels - a paradigm
for learning without a teacher},
S. Ben-David, M. Lindenbaum (Technion)
{\em Tight worst-case loss bounds for predicting with expert advice},
D. Haussler, J. Kivinen, M.K. Warmuth (UCSC)
{\em On-line maximum likelihood prediction with respect to
general loss functions}
K. Yamanishi (NEC Research, Princeton)
\bigskip{\bf LUNCH:} Starting at 13:00
{\bf SESSION 3:} Monday, March 13, Afternoon \\
Chair: Rusins Freivalds
{\em Power of procrastination in inductive inference: How it depends
on used ordinal notations},
A. Ambainis (Univ. Latvia)
{\em Learnability of Kolmogorov-easy circuit expressions via queries},
J.L. Balcazar (UPC, Barcelona), H. Buhrman (UPC Barcelona/CWI),
M. Hermo (Univ. Pa{\'\i}s Vasco)
{\em Trading monotonicity demands versus mind changes},
S. Lange (HTWK Leipzig), T. Zeugmann (Kyushu Univ.)
{\bf SESSION 4:} Monday, March 13, Afternoon \\
Chair: Ricard Gavald\`a
{\em Learning recursive functions from approximations},
J. Case (Univ. Delaware), S. Kaufmann (Univ. Karlsruhe),
E. Kinber (Univ. Delaware),
M. Kummer (Univ. Karlsruhe),
{\em On the intrinsic complexity of learning},
R. Freivalds (Univ. Latvia), E. Kinber (Univ. Delaware),
C.H. Smith (Univ. Maryland)
{\em The structure of intrinsic complexity of learning},
S. Jain (Nat. Univ. Singapore), A. Sharma (Univ. New S-Wales, Australia)
{\em Kolmogorov numberings and minimal identification},
R. Freivalds (Univ. Latvia), S. Jain (Nat. Univ. Singapore)
\bigskip{\bf RUMP SESSION:}\ From 18:00 to 19:00
\bigskip{\bf BUSINESS MEETING:}\ From 20:00 to 21:30
\bigskip{\bf SESSION 5:} Tuesday, March 14, Morning\\
Chair: Ming Li
{\em Stochastic complexity in learning (Invited Lecture),}
J. Rissanen (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)
{\em Function learning from interpolation},
M. Anthony (LSE, London), P. Bartlett (ANU, Canberra, Australia)
{\em Approximation and learning of convex superpositions},
L. Gurvits (Siemens Res, Princeton), P. Koiran (DIMACS, Rutgers Univ.)
\bigskip{\bf SESSION 6:} Tuesday, March 14, Morning\\
Chair: Jorma Rissanen
{\em Minimum description length estimators under the optimal coding scheme},
V.G. Vovk (Research Council Cybernetics, Moscow)
{\em MDL learning of unions of simple pattern
languages from positive examples},
P. Kilpel\"ainen, H. Mannila, E. Ukkonen (Univ. Helsinki)
{\em A note on the use of probabilities by mechanical learners},
E. Martin, D. Osherson (IDIAP, Switzerland)
\bigskip{\bf LUNCH:} Starting at 13:00
\bigskip{\bf SESSION 7:} Tuesday, March 14, Afternoon \\
Chair: Hans-Ulrich Simon
{\em Characterizing rational versus exponential learning curves},
D. Schuurmans (Univ. Toronto)
{\em Is Pocket algorithm optimal?},
M. Muselli (CNR, Italy)
{\em Some theorems concerning the free energy of (un)constrained stochastic
hopfield neural networks},
J. van den Berg, J.C. Bioch (Erasmus Univ.)
\bigskip{\bf SESSION 8:} Tuesday, March 14, Afternoon \\
Chair: Wolfgang Maass
{\em A space-bounded learning algorithm for axis-parallel rectangles},
F. Ameur (H.Nixdorf Inst/Univ. Paderborn)
{\em Learning decision lists and trees with equivalence queries},
H.-U. Simon (Univ. Dortmund)
\bigskip{\bf SIGHTSEEING:}\ From 17:10 to 21:00
\bigskip{\bf BANQUET:}\ Starting at 21:00
\bigskip{\bf SESSION 9:} Wednesday, March 15, Morning \\
Chair: Kenji Yamanishi
{\em Polynomial bounds for VC dimension of sigmoidal
neural nets (Invited Lecture)},
Angus McIntyre (Oxford University, UK)
{\em Average case analysis of a learning algorithm for $\mu$-DNF expressions},
M. Golea (Univ. Ottawa)
{\em Learning by extended statistical queries and its relation to PAC learning},
E. Shamir, C. Shwartzman (Hebrew Univ.)
\bigskip{\bf SESSION 10:} Wednesday, March 15, Morning \\
Chair: Martin Anthony
{\em Typed pattern languages and their learnability},
T. Koshiba (Fujitsu Labs, Kyoto)
{\em Learning behaviors of automata from shortest counterexamples},
F. Bergadano, S. Varricchio (Univ. Catania)
{\em Learning of regular expressions by pattern matching},
A. Brazma (Univ. Latvia)
{\em The query complexity of learning some subclasses of context-free grammars},
C. Domingo, V. Lavin (UPC, Barcelona)
\bigskip{\bf LUNCH:} Starting at 13:00
\bigskip{\bf END OF CONFERENCE}
{\large\bf Conference Information}
Barcelona is a city of about 3 million people located on Spain's
Mediterranean shore. Founded by the Romans, Barcelona has been for
long a center of culture and arts.
Fine Romanesque art and architecture, from
the middle ages, can be found in Barcelona and surrounding Catalonia.
At the turn of the century, Barcelona was a great center of art
nouveau. Among its many contributors, the names of Gaud{\'\i},
Picasso, Dal{\'\i}, Mir{\'o} or T{\`a}pies have gained universal
respect, and their works can be admired in the streets and local
Today, Barcelona is a vibrant, pulsating city offering a varied
cultural life, many shopping areas, and a great variety of
restaurants. On the occasion of hosting of 1992 Olympic Games, the city
went through large urbanistic changes, and the remodelled
seafront areas are now major attractions.
\topic{Conference Site:}
The conference will be held at the North Campus
of the Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya (UPC).
To reach it coming from downtown, take the subway line 3 (green),
direction {\em Zona Universit\`aria,\/}
to the second last stop {\em (Palau Reial),\/} then follow the signs;
total travel time is about 30 minutes.
Formal sessions will take place at the Aula Master of the North Campus.
Rump sessions will be scheduled at the conference and may take
place in a different room.
\topic{Invited Lectures:} There will be invited lectures
by Ray Solomonoff (Oxbridge Research), Jorma Rissanen (IBM Almaden),
and Angus McIntyre (Oxford Univ.)
\topic{Social Program:} {\sl Sunday Night:} Reception and
registration at the {\em C\`atedra Gaud{\'\i},\/} Avda. Pedralbes~7,
18:00---22:00. This is near the conference site.
Coming from downtown, take the subway line 3 (green) to
{\em Maria Cristina} stop, then follow the signs.
{\sl Monday Night:}
Business meeting at the conference site, 20:00--21:30.
{\sl Tuesday Night:}
Banquet at {\em El Gran Caf\'e}, starting at 21:00.
The {\em Caf\'e\/} is located in Aviny\'o~9, a few minute walk
from the conference hotels.
Weather in March is usually sunny but be prepared for rain.
Day time temperature should be between $10^o$C and $22^o$C.
\topic{Getting there:}
There are trains running every 30 minutes from the airport to
Pla\c{c}a Catalunya, the central square of Barcelona
close to the conference hotels. Travel time is about 25 minutes.
There is also an Airport Bus linking the airport terminals
to Pla\c{c}a Catalunya.
A taxi from the airport to the hotels should cost 2500--3000 Pta,
on normal traffic conditions.
{\large\bf Accommodation}
Reservations have been made in the following three hotels:
{\sl Hotel Catalunya (**):} Santa Anna, 24.
Phone +34-3-301-9120. Fax +34-3-302-7870.
{\sl Hotel Montecarlo (***):} La Rambla, 124.
Phone +34-3-412-0404. Fax +34-3-318-7323.
{\sl Hotel Rivoli Ramblas (****):} La Rambla, 128.
Phone +34-3-412-0988. Fax +34-3-318-9133.
The three of them are quite close to each other in Barcelona's Old
Quarter, the liveliest part of the city.
The following are the conference prices in Spanish Pesetas (Pta),
including VAT. For Catalunya and Rivoli, these prices also include
Price & Catalunya & Montecarlo & Rivoli \\
Single & 3250 & 6740 & n/a \\
Double & 4500 & 9630 & 13900 \\
Double, & 4050 & 7560 & 10700 \\
one occup. & & & \\
For reservations, use the
procedure described under {\em Registration and hotel reservation},
or send a fax directly to the hotel.
The hotels are offering special conference prices
(conditioned on a minimum occupancy), so
make sure you mention EuroCOLT'95 if you contact them directly.
Early reservation is recommended.
The conference organization does not handle hotel payments. Please
pay to the hotels directly when departing.
They will accept major credit cards.
{\large\bf Registration \& Hotel Reservation}
In order of preference:
{\sl WWW:} Fill in the registration form at
{\tt{\large\tt \~{}}{\kern-2pt}eurocolt/reg-form.html}
{\sl E-mail:\/} Get the source of this brochure by anonymous ftp,
as described below. Fill in the registration form and e-mail it to
{\tt eurocolt at}
{\sl Or else:} Fill in the registration form below
and send it by fax or air mail to the organizers.
Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of your payment.
{\large\bf Payment}
The conference fee includes proceedings, lunches for three days,
and all social events.
& Before & After \\
Price (in Pta) & Feb. 10 & Feb. 10 \\[1ex]
Normal Conference Fee & 30000 & 34000 \\
Student Fee & 15000 & 17000 \\
Extra Banquet Ticket & 3000 & 3500 \\
Extra proceedings will be available on site and cost about 7000 Pta each.
Transfer the amount of your registration ({\em not\/} hotel) to:
Account Name: EuroCOLT'95 \\
Bank: Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona \\
Account \#: 2100--0797--91--0200096977 \\
\topic{Combining NeuroCOLT meeting with EuroColt'95:}
The 1st yearly meeting of the EU ESPRIT NeuroCOLT Working Group
is planned back-to-back with EuroColt'95 in Barcelona,
March 9--11. Participants can arrange the
same hotels and joint travel at their convenience.
{\large\bf For more information}
{\sl WWW:} Connect to
{\tt{\large\tt \~{}}{\kern-2pt}eurocolt/info.html}
{\sl ftp:} login as anynomous to {\tt},
go to directory {\tt pub/eurocolt}
{\sl E-mail:} {\tt eurocolt at}
{\sl Or else:} contact the organizers at \\
Ricard Gavald\`a -- EuroCOLT'95\\
Dept. of Software (LSI) \\
Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya \\
Pau Gargallo 5 \\
08028 Barcelona, Spain \\
Phone: +34-3-401-7008 \\
Fax: +34-3-401-7014\\
E-mail: {\tt gavalda at}
{\large\bf Acknowledgments}
\topic{History and Sponsors:}
The previous and inaugural European Conference on Computational Learning Theory
was held 20--22 December 1993 at Royal Holloway, University of London.
The EuroCOLT'95 conference is sponsored by the EATCS,
by the European Union through NeuroCOLT ESPRIT Working Group Nr. 8556,
by IFIP through SSGFCS WG 14.2., and by Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya.
\topic{Local Arrangements Chairs:}
Ricard Gavald\`a (UPC, Barcelona),
Felipe Cucker (Univ. Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)
\topic{Program Committee:}
M. Anthony (LSE, Univ. London, UK), E. Baum (NEC Research Inst., Princeton),
N. Cesa-Bianchi (Univ. Milano, Italy), J. Koza (Stanford Univ, Palo Alto, USA),
M. Li (Univ. Waterloo, Canada), S. Muggleton (Oxford University, UK),
W. Maass (TU Graz, Austria), J. Rissanen (IBM Almaden, USA),
H.-U. Simon (Univ. Dortmund, Germany), K. Yamanishi (NEC, Princeton, USA),
L. Valiant (Harvard Univ, Cambridge, USA),
P. Vitanyi (Chair, CWI/Univ. Amsterdam, Netherlands),
R. Freivalds (Univ. Riga, Latvia)
\topic{Steering Committee:}
M. Anthony (LSE, Univ. London, UK),
R. Gavald\`a (UPC, Barcelona),
W. Maass (TU Graz, Austria),
J. Shawe-Taylor (RHBNC, Univ. London, UK),
H.-U. Simon (Univ. Dortmund, Germany)
P. Vit\'anyi (CWI \& Univ.\ Amsterdam).
%% 1. cut here
%% 2. fill in the boxes and replace all occurrences of macro \FILLHER
%% with your data
%% 3. e-mail to eurocolt at before Feb. 10
%% Recall that registration via WWW is also possible
Last name \FILLHERE
First name \FILLHERE
Affiliation \FILLHERE
Mailing address \FILLHERE
EMail address \FILLHERE
Vegetarian [ ] \\[5pt]
Registration fee \hspace{1.5cm} Pta\ \FILLHERE
Extra Banquet Ticket(s) \hspace{0.2cm} Pta\ \FILLHERE
Total \hspace{3.5cm} Pta\ \FILLHERE
Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt
of payment.
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I want a
[ ] Single room \ \ \ [ ] Double room \\[5pt]
[ ] Double room, one occupant
in Hotel
[ ] Catalunya\ \ \ [ ] Montecarlo \\[5pt]
[ ] Rivoli
arriving on March \FILLHERE
and leaving on March \FILLHERE
If sharing a double room, name of roommate (or 'anyone'): \\
More information about the Connectionists
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