Paper available: An improved Neural Network based Edge Detection method
Md. Shoaib Bhuiyan
bhuiyan at
Wed Feb 15 15:30:14 EST 1995
The following paper is available for copying. It was published in
Proceedings of Int'l. Conf. on Neural Information Processing, Seoul,
Korea, vol. 1, pp.620-625, Oct. 17-20, 1994.
An improved Neural Network based Edge Detection method
Abstract: Existing edge detection methods provide unsatisfactory
results when contrast changes largely within an image due to
non-uniform illumination. Koch et al. developed an energy
function based upon Hopfield neural network, whose coefficients were
fixed by trial and error and remains constant for the entire image,
irrespective of the differences in intensity level. This paper
presents an improved edge detection method for images where contrast
is not uniform. we propose that the energy function parameters for an
image with inconsistent illumination should not remain fixed and
propose an schedule to change these parameters. The results,
compared with those of existing one's, suggest a better strategy for
edge detection depending upon both the dynamic range of the original
image pixel values as well as their contrast.
The paper can be retrieved via anonymous ftp by following these
unix> ftp
ftp:name> anonymous
Password:> your complete e-mail address
ftp> cd pub
ftp> get
ftp> bye
unix> gunzip
unix> lpr is 3.58Mb, six pages in postscript format. The paper proposes
a novel idea to extract edges from an image with high contrast. Your
feedback is very much appreciated (bhuiyan at
-Md. Shoaib Bhuiyan
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