New book: Neural Computation and Psychology

Dr L S Smith (Staff) l.s.smith at
Tue Apr 18 11:29:46 EDT 1995

Newly-published book available. Order it from you bookshop!

Neural Computation and Psychology

eds: Leslie S. Smith, Peter J.B. Hancock.

Proceedings of the 3rd Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW3),  
Stirling, Scotland, 31 August - 2 September 1994

Springer-Verlag Workshops in Computing Series: published in collaboration with  
the British Computer Society.
ISBN 3-540-19948-9

Published April 1995




Symbolic and subsymbolic approaches to cognition. David Willshaw (Centre for  
Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh). 

Mapping across domains without feedback: a neural network model of transfer of  
implicit knowledge. Zoltan Dienes, Gerry T.M. Altmann, Shi-Ji Gao (Lab of  
Experimental Psychology, University of Sussex).  

Modelling reaction times. John A. Bullinaria  (Dept of Psychology, University  
of Edinburgh). 

Chunking: an interpretation bottleneck. Jon Slack  (Department of Psychology,  
University of Kent). 

Learning, relearning and recall for two strengths of learning in a neural  
networks 'aged' by simulated dendritic attrition. R. Cartwright, G.W. Humphries   
(School of Psychology, University of Birmingham). 


Learning invariances via spatio-temporal  constraints. James V. Stone   
(Cognitive and Computing Sciences, University of Sussex).

Topographic map formation as statistical inference. Roland Baddeley  (Dept of  
Psychology, University of Oxford).

Edge enhancement and exploratory projection pursuit. Colin Fyfe,  Roland  
Baddeley (Dept of Computer Science, University of Strathclyde, Dept of  
Psychology, University of Oxford).

The "perceptual magnet" effect: a model based on self-organizing feature maps.  
M. Herrmann , H.-U Bauer, R. Der  (Nordita, Copenhagen, Inst. f. Theor Physik,  
Universitaet Frankfurt, and  Inst f. Informatik, Universitaet Leipzig). 

How local cortical processors that maximize coherent variation could lay  
foundations for representation proper. W.A Phillips, Jim Kay  and D. Smyth   
(Dept of Psychology, University of Stirling,  SASS, Aberdeen, Dept of  
Psychology, University of Stirling). 

Audition and Vision

Using complementary streams in a model that learns representations of abstract  
diatonic pitch. Niall Griffifth  (Dept of Computer Science, University of  

Data-driven sound interpretation: its application to voiced sounds. Leslie S.  
Smith  (Dept of Computing Science, University of Stirling). 

Computer simulation of gestalt auditory grouping by frequency proximity.  
Michael W. Beauvois, Ray Meddis , (IRCAM, Paris, and Dept of Human Sciences,  
Loughborough University of Technology). 

Mechanisms of visual search:an implementation of guided search. K.J. Smith,  
G.W. Humphreys  (School of Psychology, University of Birmingham). 

Categorical perception as an acquired phenomenon: what are the implications?   
James M. Beale, Frank C. Keil  (Dept of Psychology, Cornell University).

Sequence Learning.

A computational account of phonologically mediated free recall. Peter J. Lovatt  
, Dimitrios Bairaktaris (CCCN, Dept of Computing Science, University of  

Interactions between knowledge sources in a dual-route connectionist model of  
spelling. David W. Glasspool, George Houghton, Tim Shallice  (University  
College, London). 

Author Index.
Dr Leslie S. Smith
Dept of Computing and Mathematics, Univ of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA Scotland

lss at   (NeXTmail welcome)
Tel (44) 1786 467435 Fax (44) 1786 464551

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