NECI Vision Workshop: www proceedings

John Oliensis oliensis at
Fri Apr 14 14:38:31 EDT 1995

			FEB. 27 - MAR. 10, 1995

			NECI Research Institute
			4 Independence Way
			Princeton, NJ  08540


 The NECI Vision Workshop brought together vision psychologists and
 computer vision researchers for a two week period to exchange ideas.
 The meeting was oriented toward discussion with a  relaxed
 schedule of presentations.  Foci of discussion included object
 recognition, recovery of structure and motion, subjective contours,
 perceptual inference, and low level vision.  


 Bill Bialek (NECI), Heinrich Bulthoff (Max-Planck), Brian Burns
 (Teleos), Jacob Feldman (Rutgers), Ingemar Cox (NECI), David Forsyth
 (Berkeley), Jonas Garding (KTH, Sweden), Richard Hartley (GE), David
 Jacobs (NECI), Allan Jepson (U. of Toronto), Dan Kersten, (U. of
 Minnesota), David Knill (U. of Pennsylvania), Tony Lindeberg (KTH,
 Sweden), Mike Langer (McGill), Zili Liu (NECI), Larry Maloney (NYU),
 Steve Maybank (GEC/U. of Oxford), John Oliensis (NECI), Pietro Perona
 (Cal Tech), Jean Ponce (U. of Illinois), Harpreet Sawhney (IBM), Bob
 Shapley (NYU), Stefano Soatto (Cal Tech), Mike Tarr (Yale), Shimon
 Ullman (Weizmann), Bill Warren (Brown), Lance Williams (NECI),
 Alan Yuille (Harvard), Steve Zucker (McGill).


 The www "proceedings" for the NECI Vision Workshop is available at:

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