Evolutionary Structuring of Artificial Neural Networks

I.SANTIBANEZ-KOREF isk at lautaro.fb10.tu-berlin.de
Thu May 13 03:18:28 EDT 1993


A postscript copy of the following Technical Report can be obtained 
by anonymous ftp at ftp-bionik.fb10.tu-berlin.de 
(ftp-instructions at the end of the message) :

Evolutionary Structuring of Artificial Neural Networks
H.--M. Voigt, J. Born, I. Santibanez--Koref
Technical University Berlin
Bionics and Evolution Techniques Laboratory
Bio-- and Neuroinformatics Research Group

 The report summarizes research on the structuring of Artificial Neural
Networks by  a stochastic graph generation grammar.The main feature of 
the approach is to carry out the graph generation in view of an
individual development process which is embedded in an evolutionary
framework.We explain this approach by  examples, and evaluate 
its practicability.

Comments and questions are welcome. 


   unix %ftp ftp-bionik.fb10.tu-berlin.de
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   331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
   Password:<type your email address here>
   230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
   ftp> cd pub/papers/Bionik
   250 CWD command successful.
   ftp> bin
   200 Type set to I.
   ftp> get tr-02-93.ps.Z
   200 PORT command successful.
   150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for tr-02-93.ps.Z (157041 bytes).
   226 Transfer complete.
   local: tr-02-93.ps.Z remote: tr-02-93.ps.Z
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   ftp> quit
   221 Goodbye.
   unix % zcat tr-02-93.ps.Z | lpr -P<your local postscript printer>

Ivan Santibanez-Koref
FG: Bionik und Evoluionstechnik
FoG Bio- und Neuroinformatik
Sekr. ACK1
Ackerstrasse 71-76
1000 Berlin 6
Tel.: +49 - 30 - 314 72 677
Fax.: +49 - 30 - 541 98 72
E-mail: isk at fb10.tu-berlin.dbp.de

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