The spring 1993 Colorado Machine Learning Colloquium Series
Lorien Y. Pratt
lpratt at franklinite.Mines.Colorado.EDU
Mon Mar 15 18:42:47 EST 1993
The spring, 1993
Colorado Machine Learning Colloquium Series
Room 110, Stratton Hall, on the CSM campus in Golden, Colorado
All talks at 5:30 pm.
Machine learning and neural networks are increasingly important
areas of applied computer science and engineering research. These
methods allow systems to improve their performance over time with
reduced input from a human operator. In the last few years, these
methods have demonstrated their usefulness in a wide variety of
problems. At CSM, an interdisciplinary atmosphere has fostered
several projects that use these technologies for problems in
geophysics, materials science, and electrical engineering. In
Colorado as a whole, exploration of machine learning and neural
networks is widespread. This colloquium series fosters the
development of these technologies through presentations of recent
applied and basic research. At least a third of each talk will be
accessible to a general scientific audience.
Tuesday, March 16: Aaron Gordon, CSM:
Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks
Tuesday, March 23: Darrell Whitley, CSU Ft. Collins:
Executable Models of Genetic Algorithms
Tuesday March 30: Chidambar Ganesh, CSM:
Some Experiences with Data Preprocessing in Neural
Network applications
Monday April 5: Chuck Anderson, CSU Ft. Collins:
Reinforcement Learning and Control
Tuesday April 13: Marijke Augusteign, UC Colorado Springs:
Solving Classification Problems with Cascade-Correlation
Tuesday April 20: John Steele, CSM:
Predicting Degree Of Cure Of Epoxy Resins Using
Dielectric Sensor Data and Artificial Neural Networks
Thursday April 22: Michael Mozer, CU Boulder:
Neural network approaches to formal language induction
Open to the Public, Refreshments to be Served
For more information (including background readings prior to talks),
contact Dr. L. Y. Pratt, CSM Dept. of Mathematical and Computer Sciences,
lpratt at, (303) 273-3878
*The mission of the proposed new Center for Robotics and Intelligent
Systems (CRIS) at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) is to facilitate
the application of advanced computer science research in neural
networks, robotics, and artificial intelligence to specific problem
areas of concern at CSM. By bringing diverse interdisciplinary
expertise to bear on problems in materials, natural resources, the
environment, energy, transportation, information, and communications,
the center will facilitate the development of novel computational
approaches to difficult problems. When fully operational, the
center's activities will include: 1) sponsoring colloquia, 2)
publishing a technical report series, 3) aiding researchers in the
pursuit of government and private grants, 4) promoting education
a) by coordinating CSM courses related to robotics, neural networks
and artificial intelligence, and b) by maintaining minors both at
the undergraduate and graduate levels, 5) promoting research, and
6) supporting industrial interaction.
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