ICGA workshop proposal/participation request

Robert Elliott Smith.dat rob at comec4.mh.ua.edu
Tue Jun 8 22:35:30 EDT 1993

		     Call for Workshop Proposals
		      and Workshop Participation
		The Fifth International Conference on
			  Genetic Algorithms
			   17-21 July, 1993
		      University of Illinois at

Early this Spring, the organizers of ICGA solicited proposals for workshops.
Proposals for six workshops have been received and accepted thus far.
These workshops are listed below.
ICGA attendees are encouraged to contact the organizers of workshops in
which they would like to participate. Email addresses for workshop
organizers are included below.

The organizers would also like to encourage proposals for additional
workshops. If you would like to organize and chair a workshop, please 
submit a one-paragraph proposal, including a description of the workshop's
topic, and some idea of how the workshop will be organized. 

Workshop proposals will be accepted by email only at
icga93 at pele.cs.unm.edu 

At the ICGA91 (in San Diego), the workshops served an important role,
providing smaller, less formal meetings for the discussion of specific topics
related to genetic algorithms research. The organizers hope that this
tradition will continue at ICGA93.

ICGA93 workshops (if you wish to partipate, please write directly to the
workshop's organizer):

Genetic Programming 
	Organizer: Kim Kinnear (kim.kinnear at sun.com)

Engineering Applications of GAs (structural shape and topology optimization)
	Organizer: Mark Jakiela (jakiela at MIT.EDU)

Discovery of long-action chains and emergence of hierarchies in classifier
	Organizers: Alex Shevorshkon
		    Erhard Bruderer (Erhard.Bruderer at um.cc.umich.edu)

Niching Methods
	Organizer: Alan Schultz (schultz at aic.nrl.navy.mil)
		   Sam Mahfoud (mahfoud at gal4.ge.uiuc.edu)

Combinations of GAs and Neural Nets (COGANN)
	Organizer: J. David Schaffer (ds1 at philabs.Philips.Com)

GAs in control systems
	Organizer: Terry Fogarty (tc_fogar at pat.uwe-bristol.ac.uk)

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