New Book: Neural Network Learning ...
steve gallant
sg at corwin.CCS.Northeastern.EDU
Tue Jan 19 11:59:10 EST 1993
And Expert Systems
by Steve Gallant
The book is intended as a text, reference, and a collection of some
of my work.
PART I: Basics
1 Introduction and Important Definitions
1.1 Why Connectionist Models?
1.2 The Structure of Connectionist Models
1.3 Two Fundamental Models: Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Backpropagation Networks
1.4 Gradient Descent
1.5 Historic and Bibliographic Notes
1.6 Exercises
1.7 Programming Project
2 Representation Issues
2.1 Representing Boolean Functions
2.2 Distributed Representations
2.3 Feature Spaces and ISA Relations
2.4 Representing Real-Valued Functions
2.5 Example: Taxtime!
2.6 Exercises
2.7 Programming Projects
PART II: Learning in Single Layer Models
3 Perceptron Learning and the Pocket Algorithm
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Perceptron Learning for Separable Sets of Training Examples
3.3 The Pocket Algorithm for Non-separable Sets of Training Examples
3.4 Khachiyan's Linear Programming Algorithm
3.5 Exercises
3.6 Programming Projects
4 Winner-Take-All Groups or Linear Machines
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Generalizes Single-Cell Models
4.3 Perceptron Learning for Winner-Take-All Groups
4.4 The Pocket Algorithm for Winner-Take-All Groups
4.5 Kessler's Construction, Perceptron Cycling, and the Pocket Algorithm Proof
4.6 Independent Training
4.7 Exercises
4.8 Programming Projects
5 Autoassociators and One-Shot Learning
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Linear Autoassociators and the Outer Product Training Rule
5.3 Anderson's BSB Model
5.4 Hopfield's Model
5.5 The Traveling Salesman Problem
5.6 The Cohen-Grossberg Theorem
5.7 Kanerva's Model
5.8 Autoassociative Filtering for Feed-Forward Networks
5.9 Concluding Remarks
5.10 Exercises
5.11 Programming Projects
6 Mean Squared Error (MSE) Algorithms
6.1 Motivation
6.2 MSE Approximations
6.3 The Widrow-Hoff Rule or LMS Algorithm
6.5 Adaptive noise cancellation
6.6 Decision-directed learning
6.7 Exercises
6.8 Programming Projects
7 Unsupervised Learning
7.1 Introduction
7.2 k-Means Clustering
7.3 Topology Preserving Maps
7.4 ART1
7.5 ART2
7.6 Using Clustering Algorithms for Supervised Learning
7.7 Exercises
7.8 Programming Projects
PART III: Learning in Multi-Layer Models
8 The Distributed Method and Radial Basis Functions
8.1 Rosenblatt's Approach
8.2 The Distributed Method
8.3 Examples
8.4 How Many Cells?
8.5 Radial Basis Functions
8.6 A Variant: The Anchor Algorithm
8.7 Scaling, Multiple Outputs and Parallelism
8.8 Exercises
8.9 Programming Projects
9 Computational Learning Theory and the BRD Algorithm
9.1 Introduction to Computational Learning Theory
9.2 A Learning Algorithm for Probabilistic Bounded Distributed Concepts
9.3 The BRD Theorem
9.4 Noisy Data and Fallback Estimates
9.5 Bounds for Single-Layer Algorithms
9.6 Fitting Data by Limiting the Number of Iterations
9.7 Discussion
9.8 Exercises
9.9 Programming Project
10 Constructive Algorithms
10.1 The Tower and Pyramid Algorithms
10.2 The Cascade-Correlation Algorithm
10.3 The Tiling Algorithm
10.4 The Upstart Algorithm
10.5 Pruning
10.6 Easy Learning Problems
10.7 Exercises
10.8 Programming Projects
11 Backpropagation
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The Backpropagation Algorithm
11.3 Derivation
11.4 Practical Considerations
11.5 NP-Completeness
11.7 Exercises
11.8 Programming Projects
12 Backpropagation: Variations and Applications
12.1 NETtalk
12.2 Backpropagation Through Time
12.3 Handwritten character recognition
12.4 Robot manipulator with excess degrees of freedom
12.5 Exercises
12.6 Programming Projects
13 Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines
13.1 Simulated Annealing
13.2 Boltzmann Machines
13.3 Remarks
13.4 Exercises
13.5 Programming Project
PART IV: Neural Network Expert Systems
14 Expert Systems and Neural Networks
14.1 Expert Systems
14.2 Neural Network Decision Systems
14.3 MACIE, and an Example Problem
14.4 Applicability of Neural Network Expert Systems
14.5 Exercises
14.6 Programming Projects
15 Details of the MACIE System
15.1 Inferencing and Forward Chaining
15.2 Confidence Estimation
15.3 Information Acquisition and Backward Chaining
15.4 Concluding Comment
15.5 Exercises
15.6 Programming Projects
16 Noise, Redundancy, Fault Detection, and Bayesian Decision Theory
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The High Tech Lemonade Corporation's Problem
16.3 The Deep Model and the Noise Model
16.4 Generating the Expert System
16.5 Probabilistic Analysis
16.6 Noisy Single-pattern Boolean Fault Detection Problems
16.7 Convergence Theorem
16.9 Exercises
16.10 Programming Projects
17 Extracting Rules From Networks
17.1 Why Rules?
17.2 What kind of Rules?
17.3 Inference Justifications
17.4 Rule Sets
17.5 Conventional + Neural Network Expert Systems
17.6 Concluding Remarks
17.7 Exercises
17.8 Programming Projects
18 Appendix: Representation Comparisons
18.1 DNF Expressions and Polynomial Representability
18.2 Decision Trees
18.3 Pi-Lambda Diagrams
18.4 Symmetric Functions and Depth Complexity
18.5 Concluding Remarks
18.6 Exercises
364 pages, 156 figures.
Available from MIT Press by calling (800) 356-0343
or (617) 625-8569.
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