Learning in Memory Technical Report
Simon Dennis
mav at cs.uq.oz.au
Sun Feb 7 19:33:21 EST 1993
The following technical report is available for anonymous ftp.
TITLE: Integrating Learning into Models of Human Memory:
The Hebbian Recurrent Network
AUTHORS: Simon Dennis and Janet Wiles
We develop an interactive model of human memory called the Hebbian
Recurrent Network (HRN) which integrates work in the mathematical
modeling of memory with that in error correcting connectionist
networks. It incorporates the matrix model (Pike, 1984; Humphreys,
Bain & Pike, 1989) into the Simple Recurrent Network (SRN, Elman,
1989). The result is an architecture which has the desirable memory
characteristics of the matrix model such as low interference and
massive generalization but which is able to learn appropriate encodings
for items, decision criteria and the control functions of memory which
have traditionally been chosen a priori in the mathematical memory
literature. Simulations demonstrate that the HRN is well suited to a
recognition task inspired by typical memory paradigms. When compared
against the SRN the HRN is able to learn longer lists, generalizes from
smaller training sets, and is not degraded significantly by increasing
the vocabulary size.
Please mail correspondence to mav at cs.uq.oz.au
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