ECAI92 Advance Information
ECAI92 Vienna Conference Service
ecai92 at
Mon Mar 23 06:23:10 EST 1992
Advance Information - ECAI92 - Advance Information - ECAI92 - VIENNA
10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 92)
August 3-7, 1992, Vienna, Austria
Programme Chairperson
Bernd Neumann, University of Hamburg, Germany
Local Arrangements Chairperson
Werner Horn, Austrian Research Institute for AI, Vienna
The European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is the
European forum for scientific exchange and presentation of AI research.
The aim of the conference is to cover all aspects of AI research and to
bring together basic research and applied research. The Technical
Programme will include paper presentations, invited talks, survey
sessions, workshops, and tutorials. The conference is designed to
cover all subfields of AI, including non-symbolic methods.
ECAIs are held in alternate years and are organized by the European
Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (ECCAI). The 10th
ECAI in 1992 will be hosted by the Austrian Society for Artificial
Intelligence (OGAI). The conference will take place at the Vienna
University of Economics and Business Administration.
Mon-Tue (Aug 3-4): Tutorials and Workshops
Wed-Fri (Aug 5-7): Invited Talks, Paper Presentations, Survey Sessions
Tue-Fri (Aug 4-7): Industrial Exhibition
======================== INVITED LECTURES ==============================
Stanley J.Rosenschein (Teleos Research, Palo Alto, Calif., USA):
Perception and Action in Autonomous Systems
Oliviero Stock (IRST, Trento, Italy):
A Third Modality of Natural Language?
Promising Trends in Applied Natural Language Processing
Peter Struss (Siemens AG, Muenchen, Germany):
Knowledge-Based Diagnosis - An Important Challenge and Touchstone
for AI
=================== TECHNICAL PAPERS PROGRAMME =========================
This will consist of papers selected from the 680 that were submitted.
These papers will be given in parallel sessions held from August 5
to 7, 1992. The topics of the papers include:
- Automated Reasoning
- Cognitive Modeling
- Connectionist and PDP Models for AI
- Distributed AI and Multiagent Systems
- Enabling Technology and Systems
- Integrated Systems
- Knowledge Representation
- Machine Learning
- Natural Language
- Philosophical Foundations
- Planning, Scheduling, and Reasoning about Actions
- Principles of AI Applications
- Reasoning about Physical Systems
- Robotics
- Social, Economic, Legal, and Artistic Implications
- User Interfaces
- Verification, Validation & Test of Knowledge-Based Systems
- Vision and Signal Understanding
============================ TUTORIALS =================================
--- Tutorials ----- Mon, August 3, 9:00-13:00
Applied Qualitative Reasoning
Robert Milne, Intelligent Applications Ltd, Scotland, and
Louise Trave-Massuyes, LAAS, Toulouse, France
In Search of a New Planning Paradigm - Steps Beyond Classical Planning
Joachim Hertzberg, GMD, Germany, and
Sam Steel, Essex University, Cholchester, UK
Machine Learning: Reality and Perspectives
Lorenza Saitta, Universita di Torino, Italy
--- Tutorials ----- Mon, August 3, 14:00-18:00
AI in Service and Support
Anil Rewari, Digital Equipment Corp., Marlboro, Mass.
Case-Based Reasoning
Katia P. Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Penn.
Computer Vision, Seeing Systems, and Their Applications
Jan-Olof Eklundh, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Gerhard Brewka, ICSI, Berkeley, Calif., and
Kurt Konolige, SRI, Menlo Park, Calif.
--- Tutorials ----- Tue, August 4, 9:00-13:00
Distributed AI
Frank von Martial, Bonn, and Donald Steiner, Siemens AG, Germany
Fuzzy Set-Based Methods for Inference and Control
Henri Prade, IRIT, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Validation of Knowledge-Based Systems
Jean-Pierre Laurent, Universite de Savoie, Chambery, France
--- Tutorials ----- Tue, August 4, 14:00-18:00
Current Trends in Language Technology
Harald Trost, Austrian Research Institute for AI and University of
Vienna, Austria
KADS: Practical, Structured KBS Development
Robert Martil, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Croydon, UK, and
Bob Wielinga, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Neural Networks: From Theory to Applications
Francoise Fogelman Soulie, Mimetics, France
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Sandra Carberry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware,
and Alfred Kobsa, University of Konstanz, Germany
============================ WORKSHOPS =================================
Workshops are part of the ECAI92 scientific programme. They will give
participants the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in a
small, informal environment, which encourages interaction and exchange
of ideas. Persons interested in attending a workshop should contact the
workshop organizer (addresses below), and the conference office (ADV)
for ECAI92 registration. Note that all workshops require an early
application for participation.
A full description of all workshops can be obtained by sending an email
to at, which will automatically respond.
--- Workshops ----- Mon, August 3
Art and AI: Art / ificial Intelligence
Robert Trappl, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelli-
gence, Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Fax: +43-1-630652,
Email: robert at
Coping with Linguistic Ambiguity in Typed Feature Formalisms
Harald Trost, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelli-
gence, Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Fax: +43-1-630652,
Email: harald at
Formal Specification Methods for Complex Reasoning Systems
Jan Treur, AI Group, Dept.of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 108-1a, NL-1081 HV Amsterdam,
The Netherlands; Fax: +31-29-6427705, Email: treur at
Knowledge Sharing and Reuse: Ways and Means
Nicolaas J.I. Mars, Dept.of Computer Science, University of Twente,
PO Box 217, NL-7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands; Fax: +31-53-339605,
Email: mars at
Model-Based Reasoning
Gerhard Friedrich, Franz Lackinger, Dept.Information Systems, CD-Lab
for Expert Systems, Univ.of Technology, Paniglg.16, A-1040 Vienna;
Fax: +43-1-5055304, Email: friedrich at
Neural Networks and a New AI
Georg Dorffner, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelli-
gence, Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Fax: +43-1-630652,
Email: georg at
Scheduling of Production Processes
Juergen Dorn, CD-Laboratory for Expert Systems, University of
Technology, Paniglgasse 16, A-1040 Vienna, Austria;
Fax: +43-1-5055304; Email: dorn at
Validation, Verification and Test of KBS
Marc Ayel, LIA, University of Savoie, BP.1104, F-73011 Chambery,
France; Fax: +33-79-963475, Email: ayel at frgren81.bitnet
--- Workshops ----- Tue, August 4
Advances in Real-Time Expert System Technologies
Wolfgang Nejdl, Department for Information Systems, CD-Lab for Expert
Systems, University of Technology, Paniglgasse 16, A-1040 Vienna,
Austria; Fax: +43-1-5055304, Email: nejdl at
Application Aspects of Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Thies Wittig, Atlas Elektronik GmbH, Abt.TEF, Sebaldsbruecker
Heerstrasse 235, D-W-2800 Bremen 44, Germany; Fax: +49-421-4573756,
Email: t_wittig at
Applications of Reason Maintenance Systems
Francois Charpillet, Jean-Paul Haton, CRIN/INRIA-Lorraine, B.P. 239,
F-54506 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Cedex, France; Fax: +33-93-413079,
Email: charp at
Artificial Intelligence and Music
Gerhard Widmer, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelli-
gence, Schottengasse 3, A-1010 Vienna, Austria; Fax: +43-1-630652,
Email: gerhard at
Beyond Sequential Planning
Gerd Grosse, FG Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, Alexanderstr.10, D-6100
Darmstadt, Germany; Fax: +49-6151-165326,
Email: grosse at
Concurrent Engineering: Requirements for Knowledge-Based Design Support
Nel Wognum, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Twente, P.O.Box
217, NL-7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands; Fax: +31-53-339605, Email:
wognum at
Improving the Use of Knowledge-Based Systems with Explanations
Patrick Brezillon, CNRS-LAFORIA, Box 169, University of Paris VI,
2 Place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris Cedex 05, France; Fax: +33-1-44277000,
Email: brezil at
The Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Gerhard Lakemeyer, Institut f.Informatik III, Universitaet Bonn,
Roemerstr.164, D-W-5300 Bonn 1, Germany; Fax: +49-228-550382,
Email: gerhard at
--- Workshops ----- Mon and Tue, August 3-4
Expert Judgement, Human Error, and Intelligent Systems
Barry Silverman, Institute for AI, George Washington University, 2021
K St. NW, Suite 710, Washington, DC 20006, USA; Fax: (202)785-3382,
Email: barry at
Logical Approaches to Machine Learning
Celine Rouveirol, Universite Paris-Sud, LRI, Bat 490, F-91405 Orsay,
France; Fax: +33-1-69416586, Email: celine at
Spatial Concepts: Connecting Cognitive Theories with Formal
Simone Pribbenow, Email: pribbeno at, and
Christoph Schlieder, Institut f.Informatik und Gesellschaft,
Friedrichstr.50, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany; Fax: +49-761-2034653,
Email: cs at
======================== GENERAL INFORMATION ===========================
(in Austrian Schillings, approx. 14 AS = 1 ECU, 12 AS = 1 US$)
early late on-site
(rec.before) (Jun 1) (Jul 15)
Members of ECCAI member organizations 4.500,- 5.000,- 6.000,-
Non-Members 5.000,- 6.000,- 7.000,-
Students 1.500,- 2.000,- 2.500,-
The delegate's fee covers attendance at the scientific programme
(invited talks, paper presentations, survey sessions, and workshops),
conference documentation including the conference proceedings, admission
to the industrial exhibition, and participation in selected evening
TUTORIAL FEE (per tutorial)
early late on-site
(rec.before) (Jun 1) (Jul 15)
Members of ECCAI member organizations 3.000,- 3.500,- 4.000,-
Non-Members 3.500,- 4.000,- 4.500,-
Students 1.500,- 2.000,- 2.500,-
Tutorial Registration entitles to admission to that tutorial, admission
to the exhibition, a copy of the course material, and refreshments
during the tutorial.
Hotels of different price categories, ranging from DeLuxe to the very
cheap student hostel (available for non-students too), are available for
the first week of August. The price ranges (in AS) are given below.
Hotel Category single room double room
with bath without bath with bath without bath
DeLuxe ***** 1690,-/2375,- 2400,-/3200,-
A **** 990,-/1300,- 1400,-/1790,-
B *** 750,-/980,- 1100,-/1350,-
Season Hotel 480,-/660,- 335,-/450,- 780,-/900,- 580,-/730,-
Student Hostel 220,- 380,-
The conference venue is located in a central district of Vienna. It can
be reached easily by public transport.
============================ REGISTRATION ==============================
For detailed information and registration material please contact the
conference office:
c/o ECAI92
Trattnerhof 2
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-5330913-74, Fax: +43-1-5330913-77, Telex: 75311178 adv a
or send your postal address via email to: ecai92 at
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