workshop announcement
gordon at AIC.NRL.Navy.Mil
Wed Jan 15 15:59:56 EST 1992
ing process. Researchers to date have studied various biases in
inductive learning such as algorithms, representations, background
knowledge, and instance orders. The focus of this workshop is not
to examine these biases in isolation. Instead, this workshop will
examine how these biases influence each other and how they influence
learning performance. For example, how can active selection of
instances in concept learning influence PAC convergence? How might
a domain theory affect an inductive learning algorithm? How does
the choice of representational bias in a learner influence its algo-
rithmic bias and vice versa?
The purpose of this workshop is to draw researchers from
diverse areas to discuss the issue of biases in inductive learning.
The workshop topic is a unifying theme for researchers working in
the areas of reformulation, constructive induction, inverse resolu-
tion, PAC learning, EBL-SBL learning, and other areas. This
workshop does not encourage papers describing system comparisons.
Instead, the workshop encourages papers on the following topics:
- Empirical and analytical studies comparing different biases in
inductive learning and their quantitative and qualitative influ-
ence on each other or on learning performance
- Studies of methods for dynamically adjusting biases, with a
focus on the impact of these adjustments on other biases and on
learning performance
- Analyses of why certain biases are more suitable for particular
applications of inductive learning
- Issues that arise when integrating new biases into an existing
inductive learning system
- Theory of inductive bias
Please send 4 hard copies of a paper (10-15 double-spaced pages,
ML-92 format) or (if you do not wish to present a paper) a descrip-
tion of your current research to:
Diana Gordon
Naval Research Laboratory, Code 5510
4555 Overlook Ave. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20375-5000 USA
Email submissions to gordon at are also acceptable,
but they must be in postscript. FAX submissions will not be
accepted. If you have any questions about the workshop, please send
email to Diana Gordon at gordon at or call 202-767-
Important Dates:
March 12 - Papers and research descriptions due
May 1 - Acceptance notification
June 1 - Final version of papers due
Program Committee:
Diana Gordon, Naval Research Laboratory
Dennis Kibler, University of California at Irvine
Larry Rendell, University of Illinois
Jude Shavlik, University of Wisconsin
William Spears, Naval Research Laboratory
Devika Subramanian, Cornell University
Paul Vitanyi, CWI and University of Amsterdam
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