Proceedings Announcement

Wed Jan 15 20:52:40 EST 1992

The Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Neural Networks and
Parallel Distributed Processing at Indiana University-Purdue
University at Fort Wayne, held April 11, 12, and 13, 1991 are now

They can be ordered ($6 + $1 U.S. mail cost) from:

Ms. Sandra Fisher, Physics Department
Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499

FAX:   (219) 481-6880                        Voice: (219) 481-6306 OR 481-6157
email: proceedings at ipfwcvax.bitnet

The following papers are included in the Proceedings:

Optimization and genetic algorithms: 

J.L. Noyes, Wittenberg University
       Neural Network Optimization Methods

Robert L. Sedlmeyer, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort
       A Genetic Algorithm to Estimate the Edge-Intergrity of Halin

Omer Tunali & Ugur Halici, University of Missouri/Rolla
       A Boltzman Machine for Hypercube Embedding Problem

William G. Frederick and Curt M. White, Indiana University-Purdue
University at Fort Wayne
       Genetic Algorithms and a Variation on the Steiner Point

Network analysis: 

P.G. Madhavan, B. Xu, B. Stephens, Purdue University, Indianapolis
       On the Convergence Speed and the Generalization Ability of
       Tri-state Neural Networks

Mohammad R. Sayeh, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
       Dynamical-System Approach to Unsupervised Classifier

Samir I. Sayegh, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
       Symbolic Manipulation and Neural Networks

Zhenni Wang, Ming T. Tham & A.J. Morris, University of Newcastle
upon Tyne
       Multilayer Neural Networks:  Approximated Canonical
       Decomposition of Nonlinearity

M.G. Royer & O.K. Ersoy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
       Classification Performance of Pshnn with BackPropagation

Sean Carroll, Tri-State University
       Single-Hidden-Layer Neural Nets Can Approximate B-Splines

G. Allen Pugh, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
       Further Design Considerations for Back Propagation

Biological aspects: 

R. Manalis, Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
       Short Term Memory Implicated in Twitch Facilitation

Edgar Erwin, K. Obermayer, University of Illinois
       Formation and Variability of Somatotopic Maps with Topological

T. Alvager, B. Humpert, P. Lu, and C. Roberts, Indiana State
       DNA Sequence Analysis with a Neural Network

Christel Kemke, DFKI, Germany
       Towards a Synthesis of Neural Network Behavior

Arun Jagota, State University of New York at Buffalo
       A Forgetting Rule and Other Extensions to the Hopfield-Style
       Network Storage Rule and Their Applications


I.H. Shin and K.J. Cios, The University of Toledo
       A Neural Network Paradigm and Architecture for Image Pattern

R.E. Tjia, K.J. Cios and B.N. Shabestari, The University of Toledo
       Neural Network in Identification of Car Wheels from Gray Level

M.D. Tom and M.F. Tenorio, Purdue University, West Lafayette
       A Neuron Architecture with Short Term Memory

S. Sayegh, C. Pomalaza-Raez, B. Beer and E. Tepper, Indiana
University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne
       Pitch and Timbre Recognition Using Neural Network

Jacek Witaszek & Colleen Brown, DePaul University
       Automatic Construction of Connectionist Expert Systems

Robert Zerwekh, Northern Illinois University
       Modeling Learner Performance:  Classifying Competence Levels
       Using Adaptive Resonance Theory

tutorial lectures: 

Marc Clare, Lincoln National Corporation, Fort Wayne
       An Introduction to the Methodology of Building Neural Networks

Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford
       Integrating Neural Networks into an AI Course 

Arun Jagota, State University of New York at Buffalo
       The Hopfield Model and Associative Memory

Ingrid Russell, University of Hartford
       Self Organization and Adaptive Resonance Theory Models 

Note:  Copies of the Proceedings of the Third Conference on NN&PDP
are also available and can be ordered from the same address.

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