Genetic Algorithms Conf. Call for Papers

Robert Elliott Smith rob at
Sat Aug 8 12:54:17 EDT 1992

			   Call for Papers
		The Fifth International Conference on
			  Genetic Algorithms
			   17-22 July, 1993
		      University of Illinois at

The Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-93),
will be held on July 17-22, 1993 at the Univ. of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign.  This meeting brings together an international
community from academia, government, and industry interested in
algorithms suggested by the evolutionary process of natural selection.
Topics of particular interest include: genetic algorithms and
classifier systems, evolution strategies, and other other forms of
evolutionary computation; machine learning and optimization using
these methods, their relations to other learning paradigms (e.g.,
neural networks and simulated annealing), and mathematical
descriptions of their behavior.  Papers discussing how genetic
algorithms and classifier systems are related to biological and
cognitive systems are also encouraged.
Papers describing significant, unpublished research in this area are
solicited.  Authors must submit four (4) complete copies of their
paper (hardcopy only), received by February 1, 1993, to the Program

    Stephanie Forrest
    Dept. of Computer Science
    University of New Mexico
    Albuquerque, N.M.  87131-1386

Papers should be no longer than 10 pages, single-spaced, and printed
using 12 pt. type.  Please include a separate title page with authors
names and addresses, and do not include these names in the paper's
body, to allow for anonymous peer review.  The title page should also
contain a short abstract.  Electronic submissions will not be

Evaluation criteria include the significance
of results, originality, and the clarity and quality of the
presentation.  Questions on the conference program and submission
should be directed to icga93 at  Other questions
should be directed to rob at

Important Dates:  

	February 1, 1993:	Submissions must be received
	April 7, 1993:		Notification to authors mailed
	May 7, 1993:		Revised, final camera-ready paper due
	July 17-22, 1993:	Conference dates

ICGA-93 Conference Committee:

	Conference Co-Chairs:	David E. Goldberg, Univ. of Illinois 
				at Urbana-Champaign
				J. David Schaffer, Philips Labs

	Publicity: 		Robert E. Smith, Univ. of Alabama

	Program Chair:		Stephanie Forrest, Univ. of New Mexico

	Financial Chair:	Larry J. Eshelman, Philips Labs

	Local Arrangements:	David E. Goldberg, Univ. of Illinois 
				at Urbana-Champaign

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