meeting: connectionism and cognition
Georg Dorffner
ai-vie!georg at
Tue Sep 17 13:29:58 EDT 1991
! ! ! Call for Papers ! ! !
Symposium on
as part of the
Eleventh European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR)
April 21 - 24, 1992
Vienna, Austria
Noel Sharkey (Univ. of Exeter)
Georg Dorffner (Univ. of Vienna)
After the successes of two sessions on Parallel Distributed
Processing at the previous EMCSRs, this symposium is designed to
keep abreast with the increasing importance of connectionism
(neural networks) in artificial intelligence, cognitive science,
as well as in neuroscience and the philosophy and psychology of
the mind. Therefore, original papers from all these areas are
invited. Descriptions of implemented models are as welcome as
theoretical or application-oriented contributions.
Papers must not exceed 7 single-spaced A4 pages (max. 50 lines,
final size will be 8.5 x 6 inch) and be written in English. They
must contain the final text to be submitted, including graphs
and figures (these need not be of reducible quality). Please
send t h r e e copies of each submission. The deadline for
submissions is Oct 15, 1991 (postmarked). However, if a brief
note of intent to submit a paper (containing the tentative
title) is emailed to georg at ai-vie.uucp (alternatively to
georg%ai-vie.uucp at by the above date, papers can be
sent until
Nov 1, 1991 (postmarked)
Authors will then be notified about acceptance within three to
four weeks. Authors of accepted papers will be provided detailed
instructions for the final format for the proceedings to be
published by the time of the conference.
Send all submissions - marked with the letter 'N' for the
connectionist symposium - to
EMCSR conference secretariat
Oesterreichische Studiengesellschaft fuer Kybernetik
Schottengasse 3
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
or inquire about more details at the same address, at
tel: +43 1 535 32 810
or at
email: georg at ai-vie.uucp
other symposia at the EMCSR will be:
A: General Systems Methodology
B: Mathematical Systems Theory
C: Computer Aided Process Interpretation
D: Fuzzy Sets, Approximate Reasoning and Knowledge-Based Systems
E: Designing and Systems
F: Humanity, Architecture and Conceptualization
G: Biocybernetics and Mathematical Biology
H: Systems and Ecology
I: Cybernetics in Medicine
J: Cybernetics of Socio-Economic Systems
K: Systems, Management and Organization
L: Cybernetics of National Development
M: Communication and Computers
O: Intelligent Autonomous Systems
P: Telepresence, Virtual Environments, and Interactive Fantasy
Q: Impacts of Artificial Intelligence
R: History of Cybernetics and Systems Research
Submissions to these symposia can also be sent to the
secretariat no later than Oct 15, 1991 (the above extended
deadline only applies to the connectionist meeting).
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