Looking for A Roommate at NIPPS(have a room for two to share)

Jerome Soller soller%asylum at cs.utah.edu
Thu Nov 28 18:18:19 EST 1991

	I am looking for someone to share a room I have reserved at the
NIPPS conference for two people(I am the only one now).  It will be
at the Sheraton on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings(Denver
Sheraton).  The cost is $66.00 (works out to 33.00 per person per night if
I can find someone plus local tax).  I apologize for the short notice,
but some possible roommates fell through.
	Please respond by e-mail or call me Friday in the middle of the
day at (801) 582-1565 ext. 2475 and ask to be connected to my individual

							Jerome B. Soller

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